The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive



does ne one on here freebord, ive been at it for the past 2 yrs..


I would love to, but no decent hills where I live. I’ve been interested in freebording for years. I’m going to grab one when I get back to Canada. We can pro-form them through CASI which is pretty sweet! Do you have any footage of yourself/crew?


got no footage.. next time im out ill get the old iphone on video mode


danblar, do mean THIS or riding a snowboard without bindings?


yeh ‘that’
its like a skateboard.. has the 4 wheels but it also has 2 extra wheels that are in the middle of the board and they can rotate 360 degrees, they also sit higher than the ‘4 skateboard wheels’ soo it simulates being toe side or heel side. its pretty fun, but takes a bit to get used to it


yeh mizu kuma its pretty fun, but falling on concrete sux compared to stackin it in the pow pow haha


Yeah, I have one, haven’t used it in ages though.

Good fun and a great way to remove skin !!!!!!!


haha yeh just make sure there is some ones lawn near by so u can bail off if it gets to sketchy