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mac or pc

Poll: mac or pc?
Total Votes: 37

Or I could restate ...

My netbook was under $700…. I assume I would struggle to get a Mac laptop/netbook for around that price. Losing or dropping a $700 machine is alot less painful then a $1600 one (given you can get laptops in the $700 range)


A very interesting article re: Iphone security flaws…,25642,25861161-5014239,00.html

Comment #11 is particularly relevant in regards to Apple’s attitude to security fixes.


Mac all the way, I’ve been working on Macs for about 10 years now, once you work on a Mac, you’d never be able to go back to PC.
I do agree though, Apple is expensive and I hate what they’re doing as far as business goes but when you work on a machine on which everything works for you and not against you (like PC), you kind of forget about the screwed up business tactics.


Skiing makes me Board - 27 July 2009 05:42 AM

I still don’t understand the logic behind microsofts 11 or so different versions of windows as compared to OSX.

Not sure what you mean by this comment…..OSX is the tenth version of Mac’s Operating System and there have been seven version’s/upgrades of OSX.

I use both systems. Between work and home I use XP boxes, Vista boxes and have just dual booted a Macbook (OSX 10.5) with windows 7. I am definitley for the PC side, probably for no better reason than I understand them much better than Macs. I like using the Macbook’s mousepad, with 2, 3 , 4 finger functions (Some of which still work in windows surprised  ) I like the way install/uninstall of software in Macs are usually involving only ONE file rather than hundreds or thousands of files in Windows.

I still like the fact that I can build my own PC with whatever components I need (Or can afford) rather than being told this is what this Mac has and you can add more memory or a bigger hard drive. I also don’t but the ‘Macs don’t get viruses’ as a plus for Mac users. As people have previously stated, viruses are more likely to be written for the largest audience, and IMHO I believe that it is user ignorance/apathy that allows most viruses to propogate. I have never had a malicious virus infect any of my PC’s in all my years of owning PC’s. The worst I have seen is spyware/adware that creeps in and is cleaned up by the regular scans that I ensure are performed.

I will agree that for people who are not tech savvyl, then a Mac taken out of the box and switched on is definitley easier to use than a PC, however for me personally I prefer the PC.

Just my 2 cents



I use a PC because thats what i have for work. They dont have AutoCad for Mac’s

But for all those bragging they use Macs for better security/virus protection etc. Isnt that just because of the ratio of PC to Mac users?
If everyone starts using Macs then the hackers will start writing Viruses for Macs.
Macs are no more secure, its just hackers have more effect if they write viruses for PC’s as more people have them.

So keep bragging about your Macs. The more that promote it, the more that use it.
So the safer my PC becomes as hackers time will be taken up writing viruses for Macs and not PC’s smile


for the mac users :

do you guys use any AV or anti spyware programs? if so.. which ones/.?


Prefer PCs because I’m used to it but love to use mac laptops. Games using the accelerometers are fun to play and it is better for using iTunes. Also photobooth is a nice waste of time raspberry The hefty price tag is definitely the downfall to me.


I prefer PC, but that’s just what I’m used to.
I was running Linux a few years ago, but that was a bit of a pain. The +1 has a Macbook, and is ready to throw it out and get a PC.
I think to enjoy a Mac, you need to be a total nerd with it, and either have dual-boot with Windows so you can run programs that are only made for PC
The first computer I ever had was an Apple 2GS - Mathsblaster was only fun for so long…

Butters - 02 August 2009 01:07 AM

I think to enjoy a Mac, you need to be a total nerd with it, and either have dual-boot with Windows so you can run programs that are only made for PC

Not true.
Everything I need is on my Mac.


Best comparison I’ve heard is that macs are for arts orientated people and pc for business


Mac since ‘97…because they run Digidesign Protools and Adobe Creative Suite better.

nic - 02 August 2009 06:16 AM

Best comparison I’ve heard is that macs are for arts orientated people and pc for business

except if you run an arts oreintated business wink


PC and always will be.  I like being able to build my own stuff, last year I made myself a media PC, 500GB HDD, great graphics card, heaps of RAM, HD TV tuner, HDMI out to my 42” plasma, full dolby 5.1 out to my Sony Amplifier and speakers and Bluray/DVD player for under $800.  I have lots of “cheap” software as wel that looks after all my pic and video editting requirements.  Lot’s of cheap"movies” as well.

I have a deep seated dislike of everything apple, Itunes must be one of the most difficult to use pieces of shit ever, I refuse to have it on any of my computers, it gets into everything and this business of not being able to pull your music back off the ipod is complete and utter rubbish.  I use Creative Zen mp3 stuff, absolutely brilliant, the new one has WiFi built in so you can upload music without the need to plug in.


mac is shit cant run much windows stuff at all no matter what people say. the only good thing is the look of it. i have all adobe programs photoshop, lightroom, bridge all that stuff and i installed a mac theme so my toshiba laptop looks exactly the same as a mac but runs better and i have a right click which is sweet


Mac are like beautiful girls with not much going on between the ears so they are easy to handle.  Just throw extra cash at them and they are yours.  PCs make up the rest of the female population.  If your smart enough, you can land ones that both look good and are capable for less cash.  If your really smart like the sound of nthnbeachesguy’s rig, you can get supermodels with personalities to boot that can do anything you ask.  (They also won’t bleed you dry)