The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Would you rather…


Rooster pls!!

Would you rather eat nothing but plain bread and nothing else and live forever or have nothing but 5 star meals and live for 70 yrs?


70 years for sue dude

what about this one sell chickens and talk about the Lord in a ckicken suit on a corner of a New Nork street or a go to church every sunday for the rest of your life in a chicken suit?????


I’ll go with church in a chicken suit!! But a hard choice if you ask me.

Um would you rather die by drowning or die by being set on fire??


Urgh, what a horrible thought… whatever would be quicker - fire?

Would you rather give up your computer or your pet?


will go the computer - I can always surf the net on the iphone smile

Get forced to go grocery shopping or do the ironing?


shopping for me, get to meet and see othr people other then just standing around at home

would you rather snowboard for 3 days in bad weather or snowboard for 1 day on a bluebird day??

Bad weather is icy and windy


bad weather because i’d get heeps of time to board.

Would you rather be able to read everyone’s mind all the time or always know their future?


I’d rather read their mind, because knowing the future would be too stressful, like if something bad was going to happen…

Would you rather read the mind of your girl / boy friend, or your parents?


I’ll go with girlfriend. We think alike anyway…

Would you rather be really cold for a week or really hot for a week?


Really cold, because I think of Cold as something that you can do something about… you can stay active or bundle up with more clothes… when you’re too hot, there’s a point that you get to where you cant do anything about it, but lay there exhausted and suffer the heat.

Would you rather…..
Move to a destination dream location with no friends, and meet people when there…
Or go to a smaller, less dreamy location, with super good time pals, where you know you’ll be in good company?


Cat vomit, I’m not a cat fan so I’d have no hesitation to punt it thereafter for the inconvenience…

Be morbidly obese with a great personality or be a smoking hot dullard?


Ruin best jeans for sure!!!

Break down on the highway at night or spend a night in a haunted house!


break arm sounds less pain ful plus i like me legs too much!!

warm bed on a hot night or a cold be on a cold night


will go the cold option, as it happened last night! Am down with some flu like symptons so was shivering badly….thankfully +1 was there to help warm me up!!

Arnott’s Monte Carlos or Arnott’s Kingstons?


Coffee thanks, Latte with 1 smile

South Africa or England?