The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Ask the person below you a question.


Early afternoons mainly. He likes to sleep in, just like us.  LOL

Normal tissues or the special tissues with aloe vera?


Q: Have ya ever been to Japan???
A: yup, 3 times, the powder was very noice smile

Q: Do ya hate it when someone keeps beatin ya posts????
A: yup! and it seems to happen to Mizu alot lately!

Okies my question….

have you sold anything on ebay that you can’t believe someone actually bought? If so, what was that item?


No I haven’t…but I did hear once that someone paid heaps of money for what was supposedly Britney Spears’ fart in a jar! hahahaha

What have you done in your life, that you think you might brag to your grandkids about?


free footin thanks!

First concert you went to?


Roxette! yeahhhhhhhh! I’m a dag & I still love them (among a much broader range of music now though)

artist you haven’t seen but would pay zillions to go see?


Haven’t seen Metallica, but that will be changing in a few months time grin

I would have loved to have seen Queen live ... their 1986 Wembley concert looked insane….

Best concert you have been to?


The oils! wow did you see PG dance? smile

favourite song right now….hmmmmm “Do Ya think I’m Sexy” by Rod Stewart

First CD you bought?


Does my (used) VHS copy of “Mizu does Mittagong” count wink

no VHS vids on my collection anymore!

Someone tell you your fly was down without you realising it?


Mouse for sure… 14 hours a day on CAD with a track pad would be the death of me!


what where your Question Empire? smile


Sorry, I got distracted… it happens quite easily!

Do you have good penmanship?


Its called my third leg, not third foot mizu! smile

Would you pay $350 to see U2?


Yes i would. Not that i have the money there to spend it on that. I rekon they would be awesome! I love there music and love there dvds of shows.

Would you skydive naked if it was for free if you did it nude?


I wouldn’t pay $3.50 to see U2. Most overrated band ever… I am going to see ‘tallica in Brisvegas, Sydney and Melbourne though!

EDIT : too slow… Hells yeah I’d jump naked, all that would have to happen is for someone to dare me to do it hahaha

What do you think the bloke holding the heineken in the BW forum background pic is saying/explaining?


That guy’s thinking “I wonder if I can steal his wallet without him realising”

How long did it take you to pay off your HECS debt?