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Resort employee stereotypes?

Dave99 - 18 June 2009 04:20 AM
Just Giver - 18 June 2009 03:53 AM

aw well that makes sense then.. what is your local mountain?

Sounds like it`s his back yard.. LOL

This resort I’m joking about is Winterplace, WV USA
a total of about 700-some vertical drop, the longest path down the mountain is supposed to be 2 miles.
700 vert and 2 mile trail = flat.
Some places the trails get narrow and when busy they get crowded.


That’s more than Australia’s longest run and more vert!

Just Giver - 18 June 2009 01:19 AM

I think your very right about this… Some of them do ski around but I heard that they get rewards for taking peoples passes. Like they get a certain amount of money if they suspend someones pass and even more if they take someone’s pass away for speeding or being reckless.

I doubt they get money for taking passes. I do know lifties get money for catching people with fake/borrowed passes.