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Skateboarding Photography Contest 2012 / 2013


Jeremy Corea - Wheelchair ramp gap, with James James filming
School in Brunswick
Photo: Brad Hocking

Jeremy Corea - Wheelchair ramp gap, another angle
School in Brunswick
Photo: Brad Hocking



Dylan Monk – Wallride down into the highway from hell hill bomb – Northern Beaches, Sydney – 10.4.13
<img src =“” width =“800”>

Dylan Monk – FS hurricane – Macquarie Fields skatepark – 17.4.13
<img src =“” width =“800”>

Charles Fester – 50-50 – Ryde, Sydney – 3.1.13
<img src =“” width =“600”>

Monkey – Ollie – Gold Coast – 3.4.13
<img src =“” width =“600”>


Something a little bit different

Paul Battlay - FS Blunt @ Imax/Melbourne Muesum
Photo: Brad Hocking

cameron m - 24 April 2013 09:14 AM

Monkey – Ollie – Gold Coast – 3.4.13
<img src =“” width =“600”>

So many great photos!
Cool to see someone doing the classic wheelchair ramps here in Australia.
The round kink rail is great too.

But this ollie over the car is my favourite. Maybe not as difficult as the other photos, but it looks like a magazine cover!


Mikey Mieruszynski, tailslide, Sydney. 25/4

Tailside / Michael Mieruszynski.

Brendan Gardoll, nosegrind, Sydney. 25/4.

Nosegrind / Brendan Gardoll.

Cooper Walters, ollie, Sydney. 25/4.

Ollie to Street / Cooper Walters.


I do have work that needs doing.
Messing around with a best edit pic is much more enjoyable.

Levi Moore Flip at Docklands VIC
April 5th


That is awesome editing.
Awesome shot too shaka


Billy Loveder, Switch Ollie, Kiama. 18/4

Switch Ollie / Billy Loveder.

Billy again, Fakie 360 flip, Ulladulla. 18/4.

Fakie 360 Flip / Billy Loveder.


The “no skateboarding” sign in the first photo… LOL

How many sponsors does Billy have these days? He is such a shredder.


Sponsorless at the moment, believe it or not…when Habitat went to Project Dist they stopped sending him boards, and Nike stopped recently…I think there’s some stuff in the works though. He still rides for 99 degrees.

Here’s another unsponsored shredder, Corey Young, Bluntslide in Parramatta. 4/3.

Bluntslide / Corey Young.


Isn’t Corey riding for Amnesia?
So good that Billy’s back out of hiatus haha.

Only 2 days to go (in the comp) excitin!! I’ve forgotten how long do they usually take to judge?


Vaughan Marks dodging homeless traffic with a Kicky over rail attempt.
Obviously a entrant for the best edit

......with out the bums


Same same but different.



Last one’s: Julius May - Gap to 5-0 - Allambie not-so-mini ramp - 2.5.13
<img src =“” src =“” src =“” src =“” src =“”


Jaime Suppes
The ol Noseblunt saw dust

Saw Dust Nose Blunt