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What’s your favourite TV show?


^ Spoiler alert Tj?


Doesn’t really tell anything, I kept it vague on purpose.

I looked for a spoiler option but Lano hasn’t implemented one yet…

See Jez I’m good at this.


I will be very good at this…

michelle  michelle  michelle  michelle


Yep no spoliers in that at all!!!


Sweet shaka

lanox - 16 May 2013 09:38 AM

I will be very good at this…

michelle  michelle  michelle  michelle

Haha, sorry mate. If I can help, just let me know smile


Wow, old thread. smile

I’ve become pretty addicted to Game of Thrones at the moment. I only started watching recently. I’m a couple of episodes into season 2.

Breaking Bad has been one of my favourites over the past few months.

Also enjoying my usual sitcoms; Modern Family, Anger Management etc.


I’m constantly cycling through different TV series.

In recent times I’ve polished off The Newsroom (which I really enjoyed) Walking Dead (another meh season) and Spartacus (great if you are into violence, sex and nudity)

Currently watching a mix of Mad Men, Game of Thrones, Arrow, Vikings with a bunch of light comedies in the mix (Big bang, modern family, happy endings and I may even try pushing through the crud that is recent HIMYM too see this finale)

Anyone watching House of Cards? I have it sitting on my hard drive but want to knock over some other stuff first.


This new Vikings series is not a bad watch. I don’t mind a bit of killing and looting.


Well since I’ve been on the couch alot between job interviews

bluestone 42
game of thrones
Hawaii 5 0
The Following
New Girl
The walking Dead


Been on Game of Thrones since it started again (season 3) as well, so good!

Also started watching Workaholics, I’ve watched all of season 1 and 2 and up to episode 4 of season 3, in the space of a week and a half lol. I actually lol to this show haha.

drc13 - 16 May 2013 11:04 AM

I may even try pushing through the crud that is recent HIMYM too see this finale

Honestly I wouldn’t bother! the season was just a filler!

Semi spoilers below which I changed to white so highlight this post if you want to see.

Basically Robyn and Barney are getting married. The season ended with them all heading to the wedding venue. And the mother buying a ticket for the train to get to the wedding herself. We actually saw her face and she spoke a line. All very anti climatical!


You honestly haven’t missed anything!


Thanks oz for the very clever hidden text (which I wont read).

spaz - 17 May 2013 11:02 AM

Thanks oz for the very clever hidden text (which I wont read).

Yeah I thought it was pretty clever as well! I’m one of those people who cannot stand spoilers.


There is no terrible spoilers in that!

Just a summary of what you missed (ie nothing!) and what we are up to. basically all you need if you decided not to watch the season and just pick up from the beginning of the next season.