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Boardworld flyer - which do you prefer?


Which do you prefer? The only difference is the colour of the text under the logo. Thank you for your help.

Also if you are interested in helping us distribute the flyers at your mountain, please let me know.


1st one!


they both look rad. i do like the aqua blue in the 2nd one thought.. stands out more smile


Also would it bother you if it was that size (A5 size)? Or would you prefer it to be smaller like a post card? Keep in mind when we make it smaller things start becoming harder to read.


Agreed, both at rad, but i prefer the blue. I think it blends in better. Props to the designer.
A5 is a good size, its half A4 yeh? and a post card would be half that again approx??
I think the A5ish would be best as there is a fair bit of txt on the flyer and the sponsors are small as it is. I think it might all be too small on a postcard size.

Im not based at a mountain for the season, but would be happy to help getting some flyers out when i head up through the season or in another way. Let me know if i can help


I like the look of the 1st one better, but the 2nd one with the aqua blue / green text really pops and I would think that it gets you message across better.

A5 would be much better suited for the amount of content you have on the flyer.


I think you could go with either one and be pretty happy with it. If anything I’d say the 2nd one stands out a little more, but the 1st one does look a little more coherent.

If I was printing them, I’d run the 2nd one.

Great job on the design!


I can only notice a difference in the font color.
I think the first looks better, as the green color used on the second doesnt match with anything else.
The logo has changed just slightly though. The spacing in between the wave/mountain/pipe and the lettering is a little closer than what we see at the top of the page. I dont really thing that one is better than the other, but I noticed it is different.

I prefer the first one.

As for postcard and sizing… I’m not sure about that at all.

Tambazz - 27 June 2010 10:02 PM

I like the look of the 1st one better, but the 2nd one with the aqua blue / green text really pops and I would think that it gets you message across better.

A5 would be much better suited for the amount of content you have on the flyer.

I agree, I think the second one catches the eye a bit better, and the larger size definately!


Firstly, good flyer, I think the first one catches the eye slightly more but its a marginal call.  Also on the sizing, are you thinking of these as hand out flyers or more like posters?  when I look at it on my laptop its approx postcard size and it looks fine, If you’re doing some to put up as posters clearly bigger is better.


These flyers were designed by darb. He did an amazing job, exceeded my expectations of what we could achieve with a flyer. Well done Brad.


I think the first one probably blends more but the second one caught my attention better and i guess that’s what you’d want in a flyer? They both look pretty sweet though smile


the first one, but with a white border on the blue text (so it will stand out more)


Hey guys, if you are happy to help out and maybe hand out 50 or 100 flyers while you are down at the snow, please let me know by emailing me .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) and I will send you flyers once they are printed. If you want to do this more extensively, let me know and I will be happy to pay you for your time. Basically we are looking to hand them out as people leave the slopes to walk back to their cars. If you are interested in helping, thank you very much! Greatly appreciated!  grin


Second one cause I think the aqua stands out more, and I think it fits better with the pic underneath it.


Great feedback all, glad to hear I put something together that you all like lol.  Not bad for 2 days work ha.