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New buttons on the top menu - thoughts?

Poll: What do you think of the new buttons on the top menu?
Total Votes: 29
Much better than the old buttons
A bit better than the old buttons
Prefer the old buttons
Much prefer the old buttons

Just wondering what you think….


Thumbs up from me. Not that i didnt like the old ones, i just really like these ones


I Like the colour contrasts,
catches your attention.
Forums espeically sticks out which is a top!


certainly caught my attention on the way in


Nice but it doesn’t make too much of a difference to my “experience” whislt using the site - that could be because I am familiar with it. However my +1 (who is a very occasional user) saw the buttons and thought they looked “pretty”  smile


If you don’t like the new buttons, what is it you don’t like?

Thank you very much for the feedback.


Yeah looks really good, not that the old ones looked bad its just a bit snazzier


what i like is there that the picture corrosponds to the topic along with the colours. where before it was just a coloured tab which didnt really relate to the topic, until the different backgrounds were added


definatly alot better, the old ones were pritty average


I like them, although the only thing I would change when the buttons are ‘as is’ with the black and white image, is to contain the background image just to the black and white section/within that outline. (rider I hope that makes sense!)


Haha I must say I read that a few times and I am a little bit confused…


loving the new look cheese
great idea too girls looks the coolest but when you move your mouce on snow it looks so cool


new buttons are way better! old ones were kind of dull.

good work rider!


Definitely more lively then the old ones. I find the pictures in the background are so small that they aren’t really all that clear.


Looks good. Everything is becoming a little bit more dynamic, which is cool.


It’s all about the detail and looks good. Awesome work.