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Boardworld snow intro - opinions


Hey guys,

I’ll probably take this down by the end of the day, but check it out and let me know what you think. This is possibly going to be the intro before all the snow videos we are putting together. I need honest opinions, don’t worry about hurting my feelings. The password is snowintro1.


pretty sweet little vid there, certainly wouldn’t hurt


I think its great. I like the skate one, but i definately like this one more


no objections from me - I like how it only gos for 10 seconds….some of those vids on, etc have ads which go for 30 seconds before you can even watch the news story. In the end, I don’t bother watching them….anything longer then 15 seconds would annoy me…..


wouldnt bother with anything except the last establishing shot of the slide (3.5 sec). if it serves no purpose except for introducing/reinforcing the site URL, than this small but effective ‘wipe’ is best (in my opinion)

also the ending with the zoomed logo could be shorter/quicker


I like it, just the way it is works for me.


Great, I wouldn’t mind this… as long as you put it in the actual video so I don’t have to load 2 different ones.

Ads annoy me because once you have buffered this one, it reloads and then buffers again. If you just add this to all your videos, it will just look sick!

motegi - 18 June 2010 03:42 AM

wouldnt bother with anything except the last establishing shot of the slide (3.5 sec). if it serves no purpose except for introducing/reinforcing the site URL, than this small but effective ‘wipe’ is best (in my opinion)

also the ending with the zoomed logo could be shorter/quicker

Agreed. Just a quick 3 - 5 second intro is enough. 10 seconds is probably a little elaborate.


nice very nice


I agree with most of the others in saying thats a pretty sweet clip.
I reckon the first 3 seconds of so are kinda redundant and I agree that the boardswipe is pretty much all that is required.


yeah thats pretty sweet.. i wouldnt mind seeing that before each vid [=


The intro will be before each clip, you won’t need to reload the video, it will be part of the video.


yaeh thats what i meant, hehee..


Haha yeah I know, I was answering tjswish. I guess I should have quoted him.  raspberry


looks sweet.


thats awesome rider, short n sweet!