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HELMETS - To wear or not to wear?

Poll: How many of you wear a helmet?
Total Votes: 28
Yes, I do!
No, I don’t....
Every now and then...

Helmets truly do save lives!

I wear one and so does my younger sister.
I hate that almost all pro snowboarders dont wear helmets! its quite terrible, sets a bad example. Props to Shaun White cos he’s one of the ones i know wears a helmet. I think he’s doin a great job in that respect.

If i didnt wear a helmet, i would most definately be mentally retarded.. I’ve hit my head on rocks, tree braches, whip lashed it back onto hard ice… (while havin one on). So i owe a lot to em lol..

Most importantly, (i say most importantly because this is the most common reason people dont wear helmets) wearing a helmet doesnt look daggy or wussy! some brands like Giro and ProTec make good looking helmets these days… sleek and colourful haha
And, they’re actually really comfortable, And they keep your head and ears nice and cosy warm!

I recommend to anyone thinking about wearing one, or isnt because they’re afraid of the way they’ll look, just to think about the way they’ll look all covered in blood. It is well worth the investment!!

They’re also a cool spot to put stickers..

I ask any one who reads this to encourage their friends, siblings, offspring etc to wear a helmet. its in everyone’s best interest! The best way id say is to lead by example!


Feel free to leave any comments/encouragement/pointers etc…
And quickly answer the poll too!

Thanks guys,

EDIT:    Upload a picture of your own life saver if uve got the time hahaa.  ive got uni exams on now. one left in a weeks time…



I’ve worn a helmet since 1999 - it was a really rare thing to see back then. Definately copped a few comments, but I didn’t really care - I know it has saved me from being knocked out or worse. I just tell people “I guess you value your head as a $2 beanie”.
Could not imagine going out without one.

Another plus - it keeps your head nice and warm grin


Yeah always wear a helmet, it has undoubtedly saved my life a bunch of times.


I should wear a helmet more often. I have one but usually only wear it when riding big mountain or teaching park. I’m going to make an effort to wear it more, especially in the trees where I have had some close calls.


to wear for sure - incresaes the amount of times i can fall on my head before i do some serious damage


I should probably look into one, I am sporting a black eye and a sprained shoulder as I sit here typing this courtesy of a face and shoulder impact with some ice.  Actually not sure a helmet would have helped much as I think it was the goggle plastic that caused it.


Yea, you never know when you might have a close call.  Last Feb I got taken out on a cat-track, giving me 4 concussed ribs.  Would definately been worse without my helmet as I ended up connecting with several parts of the side of the trail.


I wear a helmet everywhere. Even for warmup runs on green runs. I think the stigma of helmets being ‘daggy’ is pretty much long gone these days.


I wear one all the time… as much as it annoys me cause I get really hot and sweaty from it, it has definately saved me from doing some brain damage!


There is already a thread on this, merge maybe?

But as I said before, I will never not wear a helmet as I see how many scratches and marks it has, they could be imprinted in my head!


After headbutting a few trees (unintentionally of course raspberry) and the odd stack here and there on hard packed groomers I don’t go out without it now as it’s saved me every time from a lot of pain. Was just talking about it on the weekend with some mates at perisher how much the culture is swinging and how many more people are starting to wear them now. On the odd occasion I’ve gone out without mine I’ve always 2nd guessed a lot of stuff before doing it - last time I went out without it I was taken out by some goon who blind sided me and I ended up copping the guys edge to my goggles and cheek so it’s always on now.

It’s not just yourself you have to be worried about.. you could be the most considerate rider on the hill but all it takes is for one person who doesn’t have a clue to take you out and you could be in a world of hurt.


I dont even go for a walk with out one any more…

But honestly I am a fan of helmets for sure.  My first year riding I got 2 concussions and watched numerous friends and other riders do worse.  A huge downer on a day of riding is having to help out some poor shmuck that didnt bother to get a helmet and just blacked out and gashed his head open.  (Yeah Ive had to hold guys heads with ripped up shirts pressed against a bleed, while waiting for ski patrol to arrive)

Ive also taken some sketch bails that have gouged my helmet making me think wow if I didnt have my helmut on I would be picking rocks, roots or tree branches out of my skull.

Strap it on be smart and besides its just another great spot for your new board world sticker!


I always wear one


I rode without one for a few years and then in 99 made the decision to buy one, First time out I caught a heel edge on a rock drop landing, cartwheeled three times hitting my noggin each time i went over. I have worn one ever since. Funny that the first time i wore it I was made painfully aware of it’s value!

Just got a new Bern helmet this year which I have not worn yet, nice to upgrade from my last century red.

Personally I think that helmet wearing should be individual choice! I would hate to think that resorts had the right to tell anyone what to wear.

..............shouldn’t this thread be in equipment?.


Moved to Equipment and Products…


well, it seems that most people on here wear helmets. What is your stance on a certified helmet vs hard hats (bern/ sandbox brain bucket).
hard hats just protect your head from hard object but do not absorb the impact. certified helmets have styrofoam that cracks on impact lessening the blow to your head. I think right now that there’s a lot of kids buying for example the brain bucket thinking they’re a proper helmet