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whats your thoughts on skiing??!?!


i want to know what you think of skiing. is it better than boarding or is it not even worth being called a sport??


I started skiing when i was around 4 or 5 and did it until I was around 13. Got to the point where i could go pretty much anywhere on the mountain and just got over it as I wasn’t into park stuff and gave snowboarding a shot and never really looked back. Personally I just prefer snowboarding. Not to say that skiing is inferior it’s just not my cup of tea. After seeing the level of skiing over in the parks in whistler I don’t agree with the whole “not even worth being called a sport” call. Hell I was curious to know just how good at it I’d be if I’d never made the switch to snowboarding hahaha.. Theres just as much skill in it IMO and there are a heap of people out there killing it.


Yeah I have a lot of respect for good skiers, they so many guys and girls out there killing it on skis. I would much rather go riding with really good skiers than average snowboarders. My girlfriend skis and snowboards - but she is an unreal skier and one of my favourite people to head out on the mountain with. She can handle herself better than 99% of my friends and that’s what counts, not whether she is on a board or skis. Skiing is a great sport and if snowboarding wasn’t around I would probably love skiing too. My first exposure to snow was on skis and that’s when I fell in love with the mountains. That said I would never give up snowboarding for skiing. Snowboarding is my life, nothing beats it.


I started skiing when I was 2 years old in Whistler, BC and have been skiing ever since. Recently I have taken up snowboarding because my boyfriend is an amazing boarder and I wanted to try something new. I started snowboarding two seasons ago in Whistler and I was hooked as soon as I bought my first board, I got it even before I started because I was trying to spend more time with my now boyfriend. I have been living in Australia for almost a year now and instead of bringing all my heavy boots, poles and skis, I just brought my snowboard. I figured it couldn’t hurt to get some more time and skill on the board. When I went to the snow last season I was so glad I didn’t bring my skis, the mountain’s were a lot different from that of back home in Whistler. I wasn’t used to the short runs and the low altitude but I must say that having my snowboard made it way more fun for me to enjoy. I can’t wait to get back there with my new board this season.

I would never give up skiing but I have definitely enjoyed trying out another sport and want to keep both of them in my life. They each have their advantages and disadvantages. Skiing is perfect for hiking, speeding down long runs with crazy corners and hitting some insane tree lines. Snowboarding is perfect for a good powder day and just having some fun doing jumps and tricks while going down the mountains. I have many friends that snowboard and prefer riding with skiers (including my boyfriend) we are great when it comes to deep powder and long flats. I can’t count the number of times I have had to help pull snowboarders out if powder and across flats.

Skiing is definitely a sport, it’s the original snow sport. Without skiing, snowboarding wouldn’t be what it is today! I think the majority of people started out skiing and switched over because that’s what suited them better. One is not inferior to the other, they are both awesome ways to enjoy the snow and mountains that we all love. Doesn’t matter what type of wood, plastic or fiberglass we are strapped to.


Yup as with most I started my life on two planks instead of one.  Switched over about 10-12 years ago and thought I would never go back.  As of late I watch some of the new skiers out there and some of the sick stuff.  I am really impressed on how skiing has transformed from being boring same old same old to the new improved slope style jib festing sport it has grown to.  Of course it never would have advanced if snowboarding didnt come along and threaten it so well!


So true Darb so true about skiing not being what it is today without snowboarding!


Skiing progression took off when they saw how snowboard companies were designing boards. TWIN TIPS - that’s when skiers starting killing it in the park.

Just Giver - 14 June 2010 07:58 AM

I can’t count the number of times I have had to help pull snowboarders out if powder and across flats.

thats one of the many reasons I love going out on the mountain with skiers raspberry

Just Giver - 14 June 2010 07:58 AM

I think the majority of people started out skiing and switched over because that’s what suited them better. One is not inferior to the other, they are both awesome ways to enjoy the snow and mountains that we all love. Doesn’t matter what type of wood, plastic or fiberglass we are strapped to.

Couldn’t have said it any better.

With the two co-existing on the mountains it’s great, I just can’t stand the people who swear that one is better than the other and have no respect for the other sport. It’s views such as that that annoy me the most as they cause an unnecessary rift between people on the mountains. End of the day we’re all out there to have a good time.


The majority of people I actually ride with are skiers, so I have no problem with them at all. In fact having seen the behaviour of some snowboarders, I can appreciate why skiers have a negative attitude to them. Witnessing things like cutting on lift lines, standing other peoples board/skis, etc is just very uncool (mind you I have seen skiers do the same thing)

I do try and remain courteous to both skiers and snowboarders alike. Of course if someone cuts in front of me I will not hesitate in screaming at them and spraying them with snow if they fall wink


My first experience in snow was on a board, but my girlfriend has always been a skiier. The reason I went boarding first was because I had always wanted to, even though I didn’t enjoy skateboarding that much. I had been sandboarding in some of the massive dunes around WA as a young kid and have always been an adrenaline junkie. Snowboarding appeared to offer more of what I wanted from the snow.

However, skiing is just as much a sport and equally as popular. It tests a different skill set and requires a different mind set to be able to get the hang of. I have just as much respect for top notch skiers as I do snowboarders. It goes the same for any sport, whether snow related or not. To reach the top level, or any level of competency, requires hard work and commitment. The age old discussions of x is better than y have always made me think less of the people fervently trying to argue their point of view with no regard for the other side.


If someone is a good skier they are a pleasure to watch or even ride with. The only negative thing I have to say is just the immature people that will sum up a snowboarder/skier for being one or the other. For the sake of us all on the mountain just have fun and stop putting everyone down.


Skiers dont really worry me either. I used to be one, i find that skiers in the park just lack a curtain style that the boarders have.


yeah i respect skiers just as much as boarders even tho i have only done it once while drunk but still had a great time doing it, wont trade my board for some ski’s ever tho haha.


I’ve gone out with lots of roomates and mates who skiied, we all went the same pace and got into the same troubles. It just doesn’t seem as gracefull as on a Board, plus bad enough to stack, but to yard sale and have to go back for your gear?  no thanks! I’d rather have my anchor.


I think there is a difference between skiers and people who ski.
Skiers like skiing, enjoy their runs and generally love the snow.

Some people who ski go to their chalet to look pretty on the mountain, and try to find a rich partner, after their third divorce. These people dislike having uncouth characters on planks of plywood defiling their mountain in search of fun, spoiling their search for another person to pay their bills.

Occasionally, I find myself sharing a chairlift with these self important baby boomer people, who’s contribution to snow sports is minimal, and their efforts to improve the human race limited to spawning some offspring which were birthed only to seal the marriage, and create a bigger alimony payment. They are often sent off to a boarding school as soon as the law allows.

This person who skis is like an off-piste pine tree. At some stage during the weekend, an older, wealthier skier will find themselves with their legs wrapped around it and a very painful and expensive groin injury.

These people ruin the image of skiers, who by and large as just as enthusiastic about having fun on the mountain as boarders.

So, I feel we need to create a third category of snow-goer: The Groin-Seeking Pine Tree (GSPT) to cover this gold digging category.

Kozeyekan - 15 June 2010 01:54 AM

I think there is a difference between skiers and people who ski.
Skiers like skiing, enjoy their runs and generally love the snow.

Some people who ski go to their chalet to look pretty on the mountain, and try to find a rich partner, after their third divorce. These people dislike having uncouth characters on planks of plywood defiling their mountain in search of fun, spoiling their search for another person to pay their bills.

Occasionally, I find myself sharing a chairlift with these self important baby boomer people, who’s contribution to snow sports is minimal, and their efforts to improve the human race limited to spawning some offspring which were birthed only to seal the marriage, and create a bigger alimony payment. They are often sent off to a boarding school as soon as the law allows.

This person who skis is like an off-piste pine tree. At some stage during the weekend, an older, wealthier skier will find themselves with their legs wrapped around it and a very painful and expensive groin injury.

These people ruin the image of skiers, who by and large as just as enthusiastic about having fun on the mountain as boarders.

So, I feel we need to create a third category of snow-goer: The Groin-Seeking Pine Tree (GSPT) to cover this gold digging category.

Geez someone sounds a tad bitter!