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Power Balance (hologram technology)


Ok here is my review. I have had it on for a week now, I have had an ankle injury so I have really been limited to swimming and cycling.

Me and a mate did all the tests that they show on there website, the one with the arms out and stand on 1 leg was a fail. Second test with the arms down your side actually worked. We tried it lots of times and every time it was much harder to pull the person over. We even did the test on someone who knew nothing about it and it still worked.

Having said that I have not really noticed any extra energy or focus. They say it helps you sleep but I have found with it on I have been waking up really early (might just be a Coincidence). So really I haven’t really felt any change at all and it has really just been a good party trick.

I will be boarding next month and also getting back into playing touch footy so that might provide more feedback.

Anyway will keep you all posted.


Yeah good sleep and I guess I don’t feel tired when I wake up.

I guess so far there hasn’t been enough positives to warrant buying one. Although I haven’t written it off just yet


After two days of snowboarding, I can’t honestly say I have noticed any difference in my riding/balance. So far my results have been inconclusive.


rider where have you been boarding??? i was smashing thredbo today let me know if your boarding tomorrow?? also im gonna get myself one of thses things lol

Dan83 - 04 August 2010 09:20 AM

Wow I really thought you’d be getting back to us saying the band did nothing and was a gimmick!! Very surprising. Might have to try one out..

Sorry Dan, that reply wasn’t from me. Becky used a computer which I was logged into. So far the power balance hasn’t worked for me - at least nothing noticeable.


hahaha that’s cool!

That’s more what I expected you to be saying.


Ok, here is my Power Balance review.
The day it arrived, I put it on for a couple of hours but didn’t feel any difference. We tried those tests but they have been labeled as misleading on various sites (it would be better proof to try the test without the bracelet on first, as your body gets used to the different pressure and reacts better the 2nd time someone tries to push down on your arm). Anyways, the tests didn’t work for me.
I took it off to have a shower but my wife took it, since it was the rage at work and her co-workers kept going on about how their necks stopped cracking and they had a greater range of motion [Mizu:insert joke here]
After a day, she claimed that her neck was feeling way better. Then she went on a two week holiday to the Gold Coast! With the bracelet! She stayed with my parents and lent the bracelet to my mom. This time my mom claimed it and wouldn’t give it back. She has some painful arthritis and usually needs a tylenol in the morning just to get moving. Apparently, with the bracelet on, she didn’t need the tylenol anymore and her arthritis felt loads better! My Dad now wants one too. So does a cousin and some more friends.
My Mom told all her friends, including one family friend who got it for her four boys. One of them is pretty high up at a BIG surf retailer and he is going to stock the shops with them.
Now, my wife has come home and I need to order a bracelet for her, for my Dad and for myself. sigh.
I think Power Balance will be stoked on me having gotten one since it has led to the purchase of 10 more and a big retailer on the coast stocking them.


Great review Gamblor, thanks for sharing that with us. Interesting feedback for sure. Becky (Boardworld Physio) also swears by it since testing it. I’m starting yoga today and I will continue to wear it.


LOL nice one Mizu.
with Mizu you have to expect the unexpected!

the funny thing with this power balance thing is that even though I scored a free one through boardworld, I ended up having to buy 3!

Gamblor - 16 August 2010 05:04 AM

LOL nice one Mizu.
with Mizu you have to expect the unexpected!

the funny thing with this power balance thing is that even though I scored a free one through boardworld, I ended up having to buy 3!

Stoked I could help…  LOL

tjswish - 15 June 2010 12:42 PM

I wouldn’t pay $60 for that… seems like a total waste of money.

exactly. power of positive thinking in action
