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World Cup futbol ( or any soccer)

Dave99 - 29 June 2009 02:36 PM
Just Giver - 29 June 2009 04:41 AM
Dave99 - 29 June 2009 04:33 AM

good luck getting your house..

now, are you really sure this is the time to buy?....There`s a lot more going on than just low mortgage rates..

Where did this come from?? Are you going crazy dave?

Crazy because it`s in the futbol thread?

or crazy because you think the US economy is fine and mortgage defaults and unemployment will not fall further causing more foreclosures and lower housing prices all around?

Please pick the Futbol option…

yes it is the futbol option!!!


That is just wha tI needed… AND a link to watch online - awesome.
I watch more TV online than I do anywhere else.
Waiut, but it’s making me pay - I dont want to pay.
I will search elsewhere.
Know any good links to watch the games?

snowslider - 29 June 2009 09:10 PM

Know any good links to watch the games?

How much would you pay me for that info..?

Dave99 - 29 June 2009 10:17 PM
snowslider - 29 June 2009 09:10 PM

Know any good links to watch the games?

How much would you pay me for that info..?

I can send a sticker…
Ummm, I may be able to dig out a ROME die cut….
I can send old issues of TWsnow biz journal?
I dont have much else to offer.

Umm.. I’ll be your friend on facebook?
(I dont even have a facebook)


my guess for the world cup would be brazil or spain.

What leagues do you all follow? I mainly watch english and spanish leagues.


Go Premier League.

I put up with the A-League but it is just soo sub-standard it’s not funny.

Atleast we have a competition I guess.


Premier League fan here. I’ve tried to get into the A-League, but it’s like watching the WNBA.


Go Arsenal…Kicking butt after one game…Ya


yeahhhhhhh dave smile
6-1 on everton.
you go for them too?

snowslider - 21 June 2009 02:47 AM

Oh btw, if I choose a team, I’d be into some Italian team, I guess cause that is my family’s heritage.

Dude, Im stoked, I just looked up the Italian national team and they won the last Cup in 06 - Awesome, my team rocks!
They are the second most successful national team in the history of the World Cup.
Brazil has won 5 titles, and Italia has won 4.

Double edit:
Hey has anyone ever won back to back titles?


BAH the only reason those dirty stinking cheating diving italians ( won is because one them dived and got a penalty against Australia in the 2nd rd…there was a minute to go and the italians had one sent off, and the replays show it was clearly a dive!
I think the chaser show did a great skit about it actually. I went to Germany for the whole world cup…so frigging amazing, it was like the feeling in Sydney for the olympics times by 10 (except for the dirty sinking cheating diving english fans who were best avoided).
I didnt pay for accomadation one time in a month.


I can’t stand the round ball game (I’m a Rugby League man. Go Tigers), but when Australia plays, something inside me switches on and I go crazy for it. I think it’s called national pride.  raspberry

I’m looking forward to watching the Socceroos compete again. Love the late nights. last year we all got to work at about 5am and had a big BBQ breakfast before the Croatia game. It was great.


Crackers, im with you. I was so pissed when it happened. Unfair really.
Then the day after italy won the world cup, everyone was all on the “couldas” and “wouldas”


Soccer is not a sport that that I can stand to watch, the crowd is good but the game is a little ‘slow’ for my liking. Out of 4 times I’ve gone to the soccer 3 times it was a draw on 0-0. I do like watching penalties though raspberry


well i dont watch just any random game.
i usually only watch ones where im actually going for someone so pretty much either socceroos or arsenal

golfpunklegend - 20 August 2009 03:20 PM

yeahhhhhhh dave smile
6-1 on everton.
you go for them too?

been a gunner fan for years..Don`t get to see as many games as I want ,living in Canada though..

I really like when the poms play the argies in world cup(or anytime)...There are fistfights at work…hahaha

A word—The Italians screwed Aus over bigtime last Cup…Damn shame..Aus had a great team and were playing very well..

If I can`t cheer an Irish team , I cheer for Aus