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Summer - who surfs and what level?

Poll: Who surfs and what level?
Total Votes: 40
No but I want to learn
Yes but pretty much a beginner
Yes at an intermediate level
Yes and have done it most of my life so I’m decent at it.
rider26 - 20 September 2012 04:54 AM

I can definitely handle myself

I don’t doubt that at all!!!!!


So you and nthn are the 2 who clicked _ I am decent at it?


There was no “I am a Legend” option for him to select!!!!!


LOL Shutup Mizu! Haha

I’m a decent surfer. I think “decent” best describes my ability level. I want to work on my skills this summer and improve further. To be honest, I was a better surfer in my mid-teens than I am now, but I’d like to get back to where I was.

What did you click, bear?



Mizu Kuma - 20 September 2012 04:33 AM

Ohh, go on then, rub it in why don’t ya!!!!!

Did I ever post that pic of my Grandparents Shop in Noraville?????

yeah I think you did! i haven’t been in there, yet. Been meaning to but always end up driving straight past and forgetting.


Ha ha Mizu, I haven’t surfed since May 11 due to the ear thing but I finally had my last bit of wadding pulled out of my ear on Tuesday and got the all clear so I’m keen as to get back into the water, might have a wave tomorrow if I can scam it I think. 

Humdinga the saying is very similar!

TJ I don’t mind what you do mate!


Jez I know of lots of places that I want to tow surf, I love tow surfing, so much fun, did a fair bit of it around Bells area a few years back, even on beachies it’s fun.  I’ll get my pwc licence and we’re good to go, also if you need gear for it, let me know, a good mate of mine makes the sleds and purpose built tow ropes for it.  Damn taking the ski to Forster would be fun as, there’s a couple of spots I would like to tow up there.

Cords Seal Rocks is the second most easterly point in Australia and the beaches south of there face almost dead south so it’s offshore all summer and picks up any available swell, almost guaranteed waves up there.


yeh im down for a trip or 20. South or north whatevs


if ya wanna do tow ins, you both have to have first aid cert and pwc license as well…. and I have both so theres a start!!!  rocker

fast eddie - 20 September 2012 06:57 AM

if ya wanna do tow ins, you both have to have first aid cert and pwc license as well…. and I have both so theres a start!!!  rocker

We goin to Shipstern’s?????


I have my senior first aid cert, also known as the Mizu first aid cert   blank stare



Mizu Kuma - 20 September 2012 06:59 AM
fast eddie - 20 September 2012 06:57 AM

if ya wanna do tow ins, you both have to have first aid cert and pwc license as well…. and I have both so theres a start!!!  rocker

We goin to Shipstern’s?????

when ever ya ready

fast eddie - 20 September 2012 07:17 AM
Mizu Kuma - 20 September 2012 06:59 AM
fast eddie - 20 September 2012 06:57 AM

if ya wanna do tow ins, you both have to have first aid cert and pwc license as well…. and I have both so theres a start!!!  rocker

We goin to Shipstern’s?????

when ever ya ready

Too old for that shit!!!!!

Don’t wanna see sauce splattered all over the rocks!!!!!