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this vid is of me and my mates back in Dubai. It was filmed on one day during summer and it was 54 degrees Celsius. hope you enjoy
btw this is my first time using the new Vegas Pro so i was a bit unsure on how to do stuff. and also we dont have many big spots in dubai so its mostly flatground lines
Cool stuff, TT!!!!!
You from Dubai!!!!!! Do ya ever hit the indoor snow fields there?????
haha yeah heaps. its like $50 for 2 hours. i go to boarding school in sydney but i go back there for holidays and stuff. its a pretty sweet set up they got going there and they have just setup a sweet as cable ski park too which i cant wait to wakeboard on when i get back
You’ll have to post pics of it all up here, so we can check it out!!!!!
Yeah maybe this easter. am thinking about buying a go pro or something so i might try and put up a video. not really keen on taking my 550D in with me haha
Nice edit mate
cheers. I was pretty devo about having such bad lighting for the 540 flip but oh well.
Thought I’d add this edit to this topic, even though it will be gone soon….. Trying to get a wildcard spot in the Quiksilver Showdown over the City Rail Jam (Vancouver) coming up in a few days. Grouse Mountain is choosing 3 wildcards to compete with the pros from their short edits. If you’d like to support, please like on my VIMEO page, Cheers!
Well done fromoz.
Good luck with the wildcard.
Just watched your vid TT - rockin!
Can’t believe you were skating in 54?
Slo mo test
BKM to post video just use the code of your vimeo clip not the full web address. (click quote to see how I fixed your post)
The easiest way is to use “post reply” instead of “fast reply” there you will find the vimeo (or YouTube) buttons to past the video code.
And great slomo!!! What software did you use?
Good stuff, BKM. I’m interested in what spaz asked too.