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Stoked I have almost paid off my car!
Congrats K2!! Good on ya Spaz!!
nice one Spaz, great feeling isn’t it.
Bit of a back story but short version is that I’m stoked that i finally have a fix for the foot issues that have plagued me since April in Whistler.
Was told last week by the sports doc at my physio that I would need surgery on my foot to remove a nerve after he had previously said in July that there was no need for surgery and that at most I’d need a shot in my foot to calm the nerve if the pain was still there after resting it for a few months. Pain had just started to come back in the past few weeks which was why I went back to him. Needless to say I was pretty devastated when he said I’d need surgery with a 6-8 week recovery afterwards when I’m leaving for whistler in just 3 weeks.
Decided that a 2nd opinion was needed so made an appointment to see an orthopaedic surgeon.
Went to the orthopaedic surgeon this morning, gave him the full history from when it first started in April through the misdiagnosis’ I’ve had along the way and explained the whole moving overseas etc in 3 weeks. He took the time to go over the x-rays and had some hot little physio in there listening in for experience so he was explaining everything to her at the same time when looking over my foot and asking me to do things like rolling on ankles etc which was great as I’ve got a much better understanding of the injury now.
Advised that there is no need for surgery to remove the nerve and the only thing to operate on would be to hack a bit of bone off one section but said that even that wasn’t advisable as it’d create scar tissue which would eventually cause the same issue again down the line. Said he was happy to give the shot of cortisone (or something similar) to numb the area and said that everything I had planned to do with new boots/bindings etc to reduce load and friction on that area was perfect for preventing the issue from coming back.
Huge weight off my shoulders now knowing that it’s good to go and how to prevent it from coming back as it’s been one of the most stressful weeks of my life to the point where I’ve felt sick in the stomach given the situation I’m in - I’ve resigned from my job here, signed a lease in Whistler and paid for flight over there already.
Awesome news Finney!!!
So happy for you Finney… super stoked
I’m happy knowing that you are finally getting this long lasting issue sorted out!
Super stoked to be moving out of home and into a flat in December
great news, finney. So good to have that weight lifted off your shoulders. Injuries and sickness suck!
Nice, rhi. Living out of home is fun! Are you living by yourself or sharing?
Super stoked to be moving out of home and into a flat in December
Super stoked to be moving out of home and into a flat in December
Put me down for some sleeping room
Great idea guys! Narrabri will have no idea what’s hit it!!!
cords - I’ll be living by myself, have got a 2 bedroom fully furnished teacher housing flat… Cant wait!!!!
Narrabri !!!!! Thats a long way away from here, would have to make a long weekend.
Whats that big lake near there? A chick I went to school with lives up there, she is always on about some lake.
haha… yeah its definitely a bit of a trip from anywhere!
There’s Yarrie Lake about 20km out of town, not huge but pretty popular in summer for waterskiing/wakeboarding etc (That’s when its full, drought years aren’t so good)
and there’s also Lake Keepit which is about 1.5hrs from here and is significantly bigger (Ive never been but have been told its HEAPS bigger than Yarrie Lake)... most likely the one you’ve been told about.
Yarrie, thats the one.
Sweet, Rhi - you’ll be able to walk around your house in your undies or even in the nuddy if you feel like it! haha