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Snowboard Addiction produces the world’s best snowboarding tutorials. Covering everything from basic freestyle to advanced tutorials for spinning large rotations and getting inverted, Nev and the Snowboard Addiction team are dedicated to improving your riding fast and effectively.
Don’t forget to use the promo code boardworld to receive a 10% discount on any Snowboard Addiction products.
Intro to Freestyle DVD
Intermediate Freestyle DVD
Halfpipe and Handplants DVD
Buttery Stuff DVD
Riding Pow DVD
A giant Snowboard Addiction die-cut sticker
9 mini Snowboard Addiction stickers
Simply reply to this thread and tell us why you need the Snowboard Addiction program.
Bonus points for photos and/or videos.
You must reply to this thread for a valid entry.
This contest closes at 5:00pm on Friday, September 7th, 2012 (AEST)
The winner will be chosen by the coaches at Snowboard Addiction.
This contest is open to worldwide entries. Anyone can enter.
sick! If I hadn’t bought the vids already I’d totally enter..
Best investment in my riding ever!
I live in Adelaide and it can be very difficult to pop over to go boarding. So I need all the help I can get.
My reasons for wanting this set of DVD’s is purely for selfish ones BUT lets hide that selfishness behind a mask of Awesome Husbandry!
Everyone meet my darling wife Kellie.
(excuse the halloween costume makeup)
Kellie has long had a dislike of all things snowboard related due to a few pain filled snow trips early in her formative years many moons ago, some was physical pain and some emotional pain after she nearly ruined my ability to ever use my knee again due to a spectacular lift exiting stack which culminated in her selling her board and throwing up her hands defeated.
Sick of seeing me and some other lady friends of hers having snow related rad times whilst she sat on the sidelines each winter, 2012 was the year she decided she was going to give it another red hot go but do it the right way this time, with a professional lesson rather than relying on my impaitent swear word fueled teachings.
(Sing some sort of inspirational music in your head here, i suggest the top gun theme if you havent got one)
It was like a blind person being able to suddenly see, a cripple learning to walk again, a pimply early teen discovering the joy of what happens if you keep stroking ‘it’, well actually probably not so much of the latter but anyhow now she loves snowboarding. This is not only awesome for her, but also for me and my boarding mates as i no longer feel the long spiny finger of guilt clawing at my neck each time i left her at home as i jutted off up the slopes, she can now come along!
She always said that if she did start boarding again, once she was good enough she would become a park rat as even with her new love of all things slidey, she still cant come to grips with “why you’d just want to slide down a hill doing turns to ride a chair back up to do it all over again, jumps and stuff look much more fun”. She does make a certain amount of sense for someone who hasnt experienced the joy of fresh tracks and powder turns, but until that day comes im not going to argue with her.
SO by entering and hopefully winning these dvd’s for ‘her’ not only do i come off as an awesome caring husband and reap the rewards that kind of thing entails, wink wink nudge nudge say no more, she gets to learn skills in the areas she wants to learn in but then I can also use the discs that are beyond her current skill level to increase my levels of slope radding radness! Its a fantastic 2 birds 1 stone kind of thing!
in summary
1. win dvds
2. wife happy and continues to learn and love to shred
3. ???????
4. Trent pants party PROFIT!!
Hi Ok so I dont really know where to start but My names Brian. Im 17 and I live in New Hampshire And I love snowboarding haha. So the way I got here was I was on facebook talking to the ladies haha and I saw this post cause I like snowboarding addiction. snowboard addiction is sick . I can honestly say Ive learned a lot from them just from youtube which is where I found them. I saw their video on how to spin off jumps and I learned so much, like I had no idea you had to curve into the jump haha I would just hit it, spin, look funny, eat shit and try agian haha. So I saw this post on Facebook and I saw that this was a great opportunity to get better at what I love to do. I might sound dum but I love snowboarding its all I think about. I hate summer haha cause theirs no snow and no resorts are open. IT KILLS ME! I tryed skating but it just wasnt the same and I cant afford to go to high cascade or windells like my friends. I honestly love snowboarding so much that I wanna make my own snowboarding company called Tribute. Thats why my name is TributesAcomin haha and im ganna go to college and study business and graphic design. I could care less if my business is a big as lets say Burton. Aslong as I can support myself and my family if I have one and still go snowboarding everyday if i can, then my life will be complete. TRIBUTE SNOWBOARDING!!! haha. Anyway snowboarding is my life and snowboard addiction you could say is a part of it since it helped me and If i won this I’d be one of the happiest kids cause I dont really win stuff like this. I’d be honored too put that big ass Snowboard addiction sticker on My K2 world wide weapon 2011/2012 and seeing it and showing my friends it everytime we go snowboarding and you guys would definatly here from me agian maybe even when my business is up and running and Id still be wearing the big SA sticker and if I could sell even sell SA stuff and gettin the name out their if you guys would let me. If I won the dvds I couldnt even tell you how many times I watch each one. I own one snowboarding movie that I got off snowboarder magazine called A day in paradise by the mammoth mountain crew and Ive probably watched that dvd over 32 times (haha) But im ganna end it now guys sorry for makin you read all this I know you’d rather go ride haha Thank you guy for this opportunity thanks for reading this. crossin my fingers. You guys have fun cya
Thread closed.. Trent wins!
Thread closed.. Trent wins!
Hell yes!!
Hey, I’m David and I live in Spain (Valencia) and this is my dog “Guly”:
As you can see it loves boards but It’s worried about me because it knows that my skills with the snowboard are still scarce. Everytime I go to the mountain it gives me that sad look wanting to say be careful you’re “a paquete”, an expression I can’t find a direct translation for, but it means that I still suck at it.
So one day it shared a link with me in fb and after the initial surprise of finding out that my dog actually had an account I proceeded to read the opportunity that boardworld was offering to give away a set of SnowboardAddiction goods.
I didn’t even hesitate and proceeded to register and explain the reasons for which I thought I deserved the prize and here I am, but first I’d like to let my dog say some words, I know it wants to the way it’s wagging it’s tail:
bngbb fg
Ok as we can see here it’s a dog of few words, that or the paw isn’t accurate enough to spell it correctly, but it basically says “save this poor guy’s soul by offering him this DVD set or he will end up hurting himself”. Then added that my “2008 snowboard looks ugly and needs some stickers on it”.
I think it summed it well and all that is left to say for me is thank you for the oportunity of participating in this contest and see you all on the slopes
Well it would improve my boarding skills but I don’t think I can do better then trent
I need the dvds to learn how to hit jumps SAFELY. Things like speed checking are apparently not in my skill set
skip through to about 2min 40sec of this clip, the start is just nothing.
Everyone meet my darling wife Kellie.
I vote for Trent - because clearly he’s punching above his weight, so he probably needs all the help he can get.
I need the DVDs to stop this from happening.
holy shit a speed check or three wouldnt have hurt !! K2 you got boosted!
I need this, cannot stress that enough. I first began snow boarding in high school and fell in love with it… YET! i never got taught how to do anything except cruise. I want to learn how to shred. Please let me win.