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Gamblor - 25 January 2012 05:18 AM

yeah Chucky, I had the 164 with the 260 ww. On a fish it’s not so noticeable (258 on a 160) but on the charlie it was super wide.

The 2013 YES 420 pow board looks interesting. It’s like a combination of a Fish and a Nug - it’s a 146 (like the most popular Nug size) but it looks REALLY wide.


This on the left????? Looks like fun hey!!!!!


2013 Pick Your Line has such a sick graphic.


@mizu: Is Dan’s 2012 or 2011? Cuz I don’t like the 2011 Cartel at all, the highback is way too tall.


Not sure????? I didn’t talk spec with him, as we just swapped boards and rode, then I think he hurt himself, then I did the same the next day!!!!!

Plus we were too busy drinkn beer the rest of the time!!!!!  billy

Jez would most likely know!!!!!


well, Chucky, a fish and a nug mixed = the 150 fishcuit from this year.

That Yes board looks like it does the same thing, but man, that’s the best they could come up with for graphics???? I think my 3 year old could do better

I don’t think the 2012 cartel highback is any different in height to the 2011. I have both and haven’t noticed anything. It’s more like you were feeling the forward lean, since the 2012 has none. I have to say that I prefer my 2011 reflex cartels to the 2012’s. I guess I like the softer binding. Might sell the 2012’s at the end of the season and get some malavitas instead. Need to find another pair of bindings for the Nug since switching out binders is such a drag


Yeah, Mizu, that’s the one. Seeing it next to a regular board (a 2013 Basic), you really get a good feel for how ridiculously WIDE it is!

Gamblor - 25 January 2012 06:48 AM

well, Chucky, a fish and a nug mixed = the 150 fishcuit from this year.

That Yes board looks like it does the same thing, but man, that’s the best they could come up with for graphics???? I think my 3 year old could do better

Agreed, a seriously lame graphic - and the name too, just like ‘Nug’, ‘420’ is a drug reference. I guess you could say it a tongue-in-cheek homage, but I dunno?

If I rode pow enough to justify it, I’d LOVE a Fishcuit.


2011 DC Devun Walsh Pro Board
2011 Flux SF45 Bindings

+ a mix of other various boards hiding in the background smile


Nice setup there croseks!!!!!

And welcome to Boardworld too!!!!!  shaka

Should head into the social section and intro yaself to the rest of the crew!!!!!


Heya smile

haha yeah i just found boardworld tonight lol been trying to find an aussie snowboard forum for ages smile


you rode it yet? hows t go?


if you were asking me it rides great! lol I got to use the board for only a week but its fantastic! The description makes it sound like a stiff door plank, but its actually very flexible and forgiving (only little bit stiffer then my horrorscope).

The structurn base (dimples in the base like a golf ball) actually work a treat, board slides great in slushy snow where usually you would slow down and picks up speed very fast when the snow is good.

The pop is unreal for a rocker! It has a Flat base with 2mm rocker after the bindings but pops almost as well as my camber Indoor Survival (that thing has insane pop!)

Overall im no expert but I’ve ridden at least 8 different boards and this is my favourite so far! Landed a few new tricks that i usually don’t so whether its the board or just my confidence…who knows lol


Got myself an older DC HKD (With FLUX Super Diamonds bolted on), and I can vouch for the boards that DC make!!!!!

* And EVERYONE around here will tell ya, I am a major FLUX fan!!!!!! They just rock!!!!! But I don’t have to tell ya that!!!!!

The Devun is similar in tech as my HKD (Mine is the older Camber though), and as for some that have written the DC boards off, I have had nothin but fun on mine!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 04 April 2012 10:57 AM

I am a major FLUX fan!!!!!! They just rock!!!!! But I don’t have to tell ya that!!!!!


HIII 5!!! Flux has converted me with the RK30’s i bought to replace my old Forces (don’t rate Union bindings at all!!)