The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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We will hopefully be announcing the winners on Monday.
who won????????? i need to know if i need to buy new pants or not
Have the old ones lost their Radness?????
who won????????? i need to know if i need to buy new pants or not
Have the old ones lost their Radness?????
Yeah they acquired some holes this season and the radness leaked out. I need a new pair that can keep the radness contained
Damn there are some sick entries!!
The judges still need a few days before announcing the winners of this contest. The team at 3CS are going through all the entries and will be announcing the winners soon.
it seems the folks at 3cs are having trouble picking a winner, go to their facebook page and vote for mine, oops i mean your fave entry!
done! I was the first one to do it and you didn’t even need to ask! Good luck, yours is the best by a bit. Hopefully justice prevails.
done! Hopefully justice prevails.
Yeah non single BW poster justice
1st – trentradpants
2nd – Brian Mann
Congratulations! Please email promo(at) and we will put you in touch with the team at 3CS Outerwear.
Here is the winning design by trentradpants.
YEEWWWW!!! Congrats Radpanties!
insert really a really large fonted F word here followed by a yeah!
THANKS boardworld and 3CS
Well done Sir Radalot!!!!!
I bet ya can’t wait to get into ya own pants!!!!!
Yeahhhhh! Well done, trent! yeeewwww!
Congrats dude!