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How to: GoPro Polecam


Disclaimer: This is how I made our polecam, it only films other people and not yourself. I did this because I don’t really enjoy seeing people move back and forth.

What you will need:
GoPro - $300ish
Window washing pole - $6.50
Tape - $3.00
Cable Ties - $2.00
Scissors - You should have some

1. Get all your items on a clean open working environment.

2. Remove the head to the window cleaning pole. This one is just twist off. Extend the pole to allow room to attach the GoPro.

3. Align the GoPro on the window cleaning pole and attach it with cable ties as per below.

4. Tighten the cable ties as tight as you can so you can hold the GoPro upright.

5. Add tape around the base of the camera and the pole to stop any loosening of the cable ties or any movement which might disrupt your filming. I use a black Nashua tape that sticks really well but doesn’t leave sticky stuff if you peel it off.

6. Make sure the tape does not overlap the side of the camera so you can still open it.

7. Check that you can still remove the GoPro for charging and editing.

And you are all done! Go out and film some gnarly footage


Nice work, TJ MacGyver Swish shaka


Nice work mate, already looking forward to your NZ footage.

I did sigh in relief when I checked the exif data of your photos and confirmed they were taken with an iPhone and not the new EOS! smile


The EOS was packed already and the SD card was at work. Still dieing to try it out!


I wonder if cable tie and tape is more secure than Dan’s araldite glue? (yes it will be in the tTR when i get to it!)

ozgirl - 31 July 2012 11:33 PM

I wonder if cable tie and tape is more secure than Dan’s araldite glue? (yes it will be in the tTR when i get to it!)

Cable tie and tape is solid as, + it’s removable if you need to.


yeah we just use duct tape on the end of our ski pole and it works a treat!


My only issue is that your GoPro points sideways? Pretty hard to point it with much precision at whoever you’re following that way, especially if you’re riding behind them (also can’t to attach it to face yourself if you wanted to do that at some point - even though that wasn’t your desire). I got a ski pole and cut a slot in the end to slide my GoPro into, then use a zip tie, rope or duck tape to stop it sliding out.


yeah agreed, sam, about the sideways thing. Seemed a bit weird to me, too. I’ll try find our pole rig and post a pic.


I used a GoPro bike handlebar mount to stick mine on a pole.  The advantage is it’s adjustable (point back/forward, insert pieces to raise height, tilt) and it’s solid.  Disadvantage is the cost.


As a drift user I’m surprised a lot of you GoPro users don’t simply purchase the standard tripod mount accessory which would allow you to mount the camera to all sorts of things with ease (cheap monopods etc)


got one of those, too, drc!  I used it to attach the gopro to one of those little mini-tripods with the bendy legs and hung it off my rear-vision mirror in the car to capture the drive up.  Worked ok, although it did wobble around a bit.  You can view the output in my TR video of the trip up to Hotham.


I was thinking the same thing DRC!

I got a drift pole from Spaz on the weekend - so versatile! Was thinking GoPro must have similar!


we have the J-hook buckle, which came as part of the motorsports kit. Hold the buckle onto the pole (top to bottom) and duct tape it down, then just screw the camera in and out as needed. Can easily change the angle you want to film at, as well. When done filming for the year, or need it for something else, just cut open the tape and you have your mount back again.

too easy!


I don’t have any attachments :(.

We like it sideways because you ride with a friend. I’ll post the video once I get back smile


doesn’t that mean you have to hold the pole and therefore your arm out straight the whole time you’re riding (following) to get the straight in the shot?