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Fashion police


this dude at shiga kogen was hilarious. massive specs and that outfit….

cabletieperformance - 23 July 2012 07:16 AM

the 80s called… they want their onesie back…

PyRoMaNiAc goin in for the retro bum squeeze

Hilarious!!! Been seeing a few of these around this yr!


for me, matching is hard to pull off.Only seen a few people wear it well.

I personally always have one piece of outerwear a solid colour, the other piece a design/pattern.


I dont wear a matching setup BUT everything is colour co-ordinated, and really bright if the comments i get off the lifties are anything to go by.
Bright green pants, purple jacket with bright green accents, green helmet and green gloves.


Very stylish of you trent LOL the only thing that doesn’t really match my outfit is my pink rad gloves!


Yeah im a lover of bright colours!! Im the opposite to my boarding mates who are members of the Beige & black brigade!

trentradpants - 24 July 2012 12:20 AM

Yeah im a lover of bright colours!! Im the opposite to my boarding mates who are members of the Beige & black brigade!

Understatement of the year LOL