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Fashion police


So I was having a discussion with Oz and Blizz today about what some are wearing. As an example is it a fashion faux pas to wear the same jacket and same pants design? What about the 80’s full 1 piece?

After answering that, what’s the worst you’ve seen someone wear to the snow?


i for one.. wouldnt wear matching top and bottom lol.. i think itd look weird..

ive seen indians… no offence.. lol.. wear jeans and just a jacket on the snow.. walking up and down since no lift pass.. and sharing a set of skis going up and down a hill >< wtf…


Depends on the design/print!!!!!


You should of been at Hotham today, retro day, the fashions on the field were hilarious LOL


Oh I was up there today forgot to post in the Hotham thread.. Were some amazing onesies out there haha. Mad blue skies. I’ll post some photos later this week.

nyteskye - 21 July 2012 08:08 AM

i for one.. wouldnt wear matching top and bottom lol.. i think itd look weird..

ive seen indians… no offence.. lol.. wear jeans and just a jacket on the snow.. walking up and down since no lift pass.. and sharing a set of skis going up and down a hill >< wtf…

yeah i see them also oh oh

i mean yeah lift tickets are expensive but still
aldi is pretty accessible these days


Curious, has anyone spotted someone wearing crocs at the snow?


Yeah, our daughter wears her wool lined ones up in the car and has made the dash up to the lodge in them rolleyes


I saw a dude wearing full camo today, jacket and pants. Also saw a blue and white combo. I just don’t like it?!


I only stopped wearing my crocs because girls straight up, not just told me, but refused to be seen with me if I wore them (fashion nazi chicks).

I can imagine what ‘middle easterners’ think of us “wasting” our money on expensive clothing and lift tickets to walk up a small hill in a slightly cool climate. After all they have the Himalayas!!! I’m sure we look like the victims wearing $600 jackets and pants that are rated to withstand -50 when it’s +5. On my first snowboarding trip I wore jeans, it made me very cautious not to fall in the snow.

The only fashion fopar I see is by those more interested in criticizing, but then fashion is entirely about criticism and popularity.


for me (and possibly me only) matching top and bottom prints can only be pulled off by someone with supreme skill, like S.White.

Selwyn always has the best old school and daggy rental clothes, but I actually love that about the place. Everyone is there just to have fun.

Agreed with spaz…so many people spend money on clothes they not only don’t need, but don’t even come close to using them for what they are meant for. Also, many people out there who don’t do more than 15-20 days in a season (many less than that) and who get all new gear every year….THAT is the real joke!


Australia day in Whistler i saw a guy wearing only an Australian flag as a cape, and Australian boxer shorts. Nothing else but his snowboard boots. He was going purple up the chairlift hahaha LOL

cords - 22 July 2012 01:41 AM

for me (and possibly me only) matching top and bottom prints can only be pulled off by someone with supreme skill . . .

That ain’t me - but generally I’ll only wear my all-time favourite Foursquare LE outerwear when I’m feeling reasonably good about my riding. Limited edition, individually numbered pants and matching tops (even comes with a special suit sleeve!). I initially bought the top, and loved it so much I tracked down the pants:

The look and texture of the fabric sort of suggests I just strolled into a retirement home somewhere and nicked some old dude’s blanket. I LOVE IT - but I’m too fat to wear it at the moment.  downer


If i ever get toofactory looking mymates will make a few comments - although i would say “race” looking ie large blocks of contrasting colours without too much fancy going seems to slide along ok, but too much pattern on it and it looks like pyjamas. I had an old set of pants that had a fake blood splatter up the side, and sooo many people thougt it was real and asked about it. It was defintely not a cool pair of pants. Theyre still in the drawer.


the 80s called… they want their onesie back…

PyRoMaNiAc goin in for the retro bum squeeze

cabletieperformance - 23 July 2012 07:16 AM

the 80s called… they want their onesie back…

bahahahah LOL