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Fastest you’ve been on a snowboard?


Was in CO in march and my buddy had a GPS app on his phone which we were using to see how fast we could go. Obviously it isn’t 100% accurate, but it was pretty cool. I would have gone a lot quicker if i knew the run was clear (we were hitting a pretty steep ass out of the way run and we made sure that there was no-body about just in case)

For the record. the fastest any of us hit was my buddy who hit 98ish kmph which was pretty quick. The video below doesn’t do it justice though.


Thats pretty impressive!

In Europe the have race course type things that clock your speed. My first run without much effort i got low 70’s… (on ski’s) my snow boarding buddy who had lived in Austria that season (and didn’t work just boarded every day) was devo because he could only get the same as me and had been trying all season!


I’d say the fastest I have been is probably following rider down High Noon when we were chasing Dolph.

Rider caught Dolph towards the bottom and then I wasn’t too far behind. Was pretty freaken quick for me lol.


Though it might have been the bad conditions that made it feel quicker and harder than it was.

I went first tracks down a groomer at Iwatake in Japan and went really quick but because it was totally flat, I had no issues with it.


I’ve always thought it would be cool to clock it. On the day i was riding a 157 (i’m 6’2 - 95ish kg) so i reckon i could have gone quicker than about 86ish i clocked if i was on a longer board.



I’d say mine would have to be ... a brisk walking pace.  I think me flying through the air after catching an edge would be faster than me on a board raspberry


what’s the name of the app that clocks your speed?


I hate speed gulp I am happy cruising like miss daisy and enjoying the mountains!


Somewhere I’ve got one of those hot wheels radar guns that does both hot wheels car and regular human speed scales. I should try it out at the snow one day!


You can get a cool app called Ski Tracks, will tell you your max speed for the day.

For those that know Hotham, 60 kph is no problems on the Big D, waiting for a time with not some many folk out to point and see what we can get to.

Azz - 17 July 2012 09:53 AM

You can get a cool app called Ski Tracks, will tell you your max speed for the day.

For those that know Hotham, 60 kph is no problems on the Big D, waiting for a time with not some many folk out to point and see what we can get to.

You must give all the three year-olds in the lift queue a massive spray at the bottom when you pull up!


I’ve got no friggen idea!!!!!

Stayin on the tail of Jez is probably the fastest I’ve been!!!!!

Dunno if he was takin it easy or not????? Fast enough to pull my arm out of it’s socket again if things went wrong anyway!!!!!

Mudhoney - 17 July 2012 10:19 AM
Azz - 17 July 2012 09:53 AM

You can get a cool app called Ski Tracks, will tell you your max speed for the day.

For those that know Hotham, 60 kph is no problems on the Big D, waiting for a time with not some many folk out to point and see what we can get to.

You must give all the three year-olds in the lift queue a massive spray at the bottom when you pull up!

I use the three year olds as speed humps LOL

Azz - 17 July 2012 10:40 AM
Mudhoney - 17 July 2012 10:19 AM
Azz - 17 July 2012 09:53 AM

You can get a cool app called Ski Tracks, will tell you your max speed for the day.

For those that know Hotham, 60 kph is no problems on the Big D, waiting for a time with not some many folk out to point and see what we can get to.

You must give all the three year-olds in the lift queue a massive spray at the bottom when you pull up!

I use the three year olds as speed humps LOL

They tend to make a ‘squeekin” noise when ya do!!!!!


I’d really like to know, coz I’ve done about 65 Km/h on a longboard, had a mate driving next to me at the time lol, and it feels like I go way faster than that on a snowboard. Would be awesome to find out. Might have to give the boards a fresh wax, download the Ski Tracks app and see what happens this weekend lol LOL


If I’m to believe the perisher app 80.7km/h on Zalis

It felt pretty fast and I don’t think I’d want to push it much more without decent snow conditions and less idiots just itching to get in the way.