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The Shire


Against my better judgement my chick has me watching this drivel.  I will try and reserve judgement but I’m fairly sure my IQ will drop to substantially in the next hour.


Actually I’m starting to want to involuntarily euthanase those two chicks.



I knew you would cave!

Its a train wreck that i just can’t look away from!


It is the shittest show eva!!! Not a fan ay!!


Pretty bad so far, please don’t judge me based on this rubbish.  teacherboy You can pretty much group these kind of people into one club/pub on the weekend everywhere else is pretty normal!

I had a helicopter with a camera hovering above me and a bunch of surfers a couple of months ago for a good hour. I’m wondering if that footage will show up in this or puberty blues which is also based in Cronulla


haha DRC!

We wont! (unless that footage does get show on there!)

Drinking comp anyone?

A shot every time a shot of a bridge is shown???

ozgirl - 16 July 2012 10:28 AM

haha DRC!

We wont! (unless that footage does get show on here!)

Drinking comp anyone?

A shot every time a shot of a bridge is shown???

Haha phew that’s a relief. I’d join the drinking game if I wasn’t still stuck at work.  rage

I don’t get it though the bloke says he lives in the shire yet he’s driving over tom uglys southbound with board strapped to the roof

The rich girl scene in the limo was a bit awkward I thought the old bloke was her sugar daddy not her actual father! Hate to break it to all the girls in the show so far but 90% of the randoms you walk past on the beach or esplanade are better looking than them


Should be renamed The Shite?????

I reckon they should have a show where they get the cast of The Shire, Lara Bungle and put them into the Big Brother house, then put a match to it!!!!!

And if it doesn’t burn fast enough, just throw the cast of Sex and The City on top!!!!! All the hairspray and plastic should make that sucker burn!!!!!


I really give 0 fucks about the shire, am not watching it, and never intend to.

some of the excuses for tv shows these days is just pathetic; being lara bingle and the shire just to name a couple, and goddamn dont get me started when bigbrother comes on tv

drc13 - 16 July 2012 10:31 AM

I don’t get it though the bloke says he lives in the shire yet he’s driving over tom uglys southbound with board strapped to the roof


& yeah that father daughter was weird as.


OMG she wants to quit Uni and do pageants??? teacherboy


The blone headed chick with all the money, has the biggest horse head ive eva seen!!


Not watching it. Dumber from just watching the ad for it.

ozgirl - 16 July 2012 10:43 AM

OMG she wants to quit Uni and do pageants??? teacherboy

But she’s beautiful!!! just ask her

I didn’t have high hopes for the show and unfortunately it was worse than I expected. Even worse is my server restore is still only 1/3 of the way there, this is turning into a loooong day


Didnt watch it but this made me laugh


Bahaha LOL