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Thanks kim. Yeh i ordered one but hasnt arrived yet. That fire shot was on a small camp stool, so not super steady, and the others were on a trailer. Was hard to compose the photos cos I had nothing to prop and aim with
Yep saw that you ordered the intervalometer
But in the mean time if you you use the self timer options on your camera you reduce blur because you are not actually touching the camera when the shutter goes off.
Or can you shutter speed not get low enough? Are you using bulb on these photos?
using 20-30 second exposures not bulb mode. Will use bulb when it arrives
Just came across this link for night shooting. Heaps of good info.
I especially like this link here which shows a light polution map so to help you to find a great spot to shoot from!
Nice link K2!
Just came across this link for night shooting. Heaps of good info.
I especially like this link here which shows a light polution map so to help you to find a great spot to shoot from!
very nice link^^^ im starting to get into a lot more photography and im not gonna lie, im digging the shit out of it!!! had such a good time last night taking photos, so relaxing!!
ill try and post some of the photos that i took but im not really sure how to haha i havnt done it in awhile
Was lucky enough to get to head out in to Falls Creek slack country with work. Got a few shots just before going to bed. Wish I had of set up the camera earlier and got a tone more shots for a star trail, but was too busy with the students.
The bright, overexposed areas of your star shots (i find) draw my attention away from the night sky (the tent in above).
You could brighten up your foreground by using a torch or car headlights to “paint” in darkened areas during the longer exposure. A strong, broad, even light would be best.
Not sure what f/ your using but increasing the number will help reduce the softness in those areas.
The drawback is reduced light getting in the lens so longer exposure or higher ISO might be required.
Do you use the timer to trigger the camera? The softness might also be caused by camera shake when you hit the shutter. Even the shutter releasing when on timer can make a DSLR move, especially if your tripod is not secure/cheap&nasty;. Sometimes it’s better to use a sandbag (or similar) and place the camera directly on the bag or even to stabilize the tripod.
HDR might also achieve a similar result.
I’ve been waiting for a perfectly clear night this week to shoot some from my backyard with my newer camera.
With the new moon waxing I’ll take advantage of the extra light that will help with what I was saying above.
Since I finally went camping.. and had my camera (no tripod, only my little gorilla pod.. ) I decided to do some night sky photos… its been a while, and haven’t done any with the new camera..
But here are the results…
*the sky actually was this orange colour, due to smoke and the bush fires, (the one in kempsy was only 25kms away..)
<IMG src =“” width =“600”></img>
<img src =“” width =“600”></img>
The bright ‘star’ is venus
Wish the first one was slightly more in focus.. but I’m happy with the second one
Fallen Leaf Lake is a cracker!!!!!
Fallen Leaf Lake is a cracker!!!!!
Cheers Mizu
I wil never forget how amazing it was. That water is so damn clear.
I wil never forget how amazing it was. That water is so damn clear.
It’s ridiculous how clear the water is there! Stunning place. some of the houses around the lake are absolutely incredible too.
It’s a view I could get used to. haha.
I could very easily live there once i reach an advanced age