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Photo feedback and Critique


Taken with the 18-55mm lens
Edited in Lightroom
I should have increased the shutter speed to get rid of some of the blur. raspberry

Taken on my new 50mm 1.8 lens smile
Edited in Lightroom


why do you think these are good shots?


Because all my other photos suck sh#t.


well, that’s not a good criteria.
For your first shot, an ollie down a small stair set, I suggest this:
1) look through the skate photo contest on this site/or in skate mags for similar action and see what things make those photos better than yours.
Things like:
a)time of day. dawn and dusk have the best colours. You can have an average shot with a beautiful pink sky and suddenly it’s dope. Night time with flashes.
b) angle. getting low to the ground to make the stairs seem bigger or backing right up and incorporating the stairs in a bigger composition
c) trick/rider. Rider’s style and clothing are important, as well as the trick and the timing of the trick

keep at it!

ps. in your case, I would just keep things simple. Find a good spot. Get a skater to do something cool there. Then, wait til the weather is nice and go back and get the shot


Thanks dude. It’s hard to impress people when the best we have is an ollie down a small set. I’ll try experiment with angles, style, weather and stuff. smile


for a small set like that I’d try to catch the ollie at it’s highest point


soz i cant get the image to work in here but the link is


also i reckon the bad bits about my shot are
i shot the photo from a downwards angle
i had to zoom in more on the photo on photoshop
his arm was blocking his face

but i really like how there is the piece in the background and how i timed the grab pretty well

BKM - 15 February 2012 08:53 AM

Thanks dude. It’s hard to impress people when the best we have is an ollie down a small set. I’ll try experiment with angles, style, weather and stuff. smile

don’t forget you are capturing your life/memories for later

not every shot has to be “perfect” and be the cover shot for a mag

but then i’m not a good photographer either ....




^flash, horizon not straight.

Don’t really know what the focus point of your photo is; The guy about to take off, the guy trying to get his board ready for the wave about to break on him or the water splashing around the lens. question

The depth of field is to big and it just seems to be a random shot or lifted from video.

What were you trying to take a photo of?


I was really just trying to focus on the water in general, thanks gives me plenty to work on


No worries, keep shooting and I look forward to seeing more.


Just a few for feedback smile

I know the reflection on the bus window is still there on this one but any ideas how to get rid of it without ruining the picture?


1st shot - hit the shutter way too early, and you need a faster shutter speed to prevent the blurring of the rider

2nd shot - I like it

3rd shot - no idea on how to remove the glare