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Photo feedback and Critique


Hey mate, good to see some new pics in this thread!

A couple things with the second pic:

- Try and keep limbs inside the frame, it looks a bit awkward with parts leaving the frame.
- If you haven’t used it already try using a single AF point to keep the skater in focus and not other points in the photo. It looks like that the stairs in the foreground are more in focus than the skater, this could be the result of AF selecting a point to focus on in the frame that you were not intending.  There is also a function that allows the focus to change depending upon the movement of the subject, its called AI Servo in canon camera’s. On the other hand the skater may be blurred due to a slow shutter speed, in that case you could try a faster shutter speed.


let’s hear your own crit about these photos. What do you like/not like about them?

Best to lock the focus on shots like this. Focus on the rail, or get the guy to stand around the spot where you want to capture him, then switch the camera to manual focus. Now you don’t need to worry about focus anymore, you just pull the trigger when the skater gets to the spot you chose



Really thank u for ur help :D.

i was using a nikon so i didnt really know how to use it all…

but on my canon i will use the ai servo mode from now on..

I had never thought of using the focus points:)

also the manual focus idea sounds good i will try all these on the weekend smile

thanks guysss :D


Hi I’m new to this site and came across this thread. I know its not a board but i thought i would post it until i find a couple of skate pics i took.

I’m not really sure how to post pics so hopefully it works out.

I would love to make a living from sports photography so any advice is appreciated


Welcome to boardworld catalyst!! Sick photo!
Doesn’t matter it’s not a board Photo, as this is a photo critique thread. I’m sure the crew will give u some awesome crit (I’m no photog so I can’t really), but to start with how bout u give us ur own crit on ur photo. What do u like and what don’t u like about it?



Hey catalyst, welcome to Boardworld! cool smile

What an awesome photo! I’m no expert but I can’t see much wrong from my untrained eye. I’ll save Gamblor a few seconds and say to get your horizon straight. It’s not off by much but it does look slightly off. Overall I think it’s a great shot! Well done.

The photographers will have better advice for you…


lol. thanks rider! actually apart from the horizon I don’t have much to say about this shot. It’s really good! It might look better as a black & white since that might bring more attention to the rider. It’s a lovely blue in the sky though - maybe too nice, so throwing that into b&w might be better. and in case you don’t know already, don’t just hit the greyscale button, actually go through the steps and do a proper b&w in photoshop. There are millions of how-to’s online


Thanks everyone for the comments. I should have got a little lower to cut out the top of the tree behind the rider. I will give black and white a go and see how it looks + straighten the horizon. Thanks.
I would like to shoot more at this location “The Entrance - Central Coast NSW”  with an off camera flash set up to the right of frame and have the classic under exposed sky. I have not used off camera flash before as i hardly ever use flash, but from looking in mags and forums i think its a great look and will have to give it a go.


Hi I have found some shots i took of skating at The Entrance park. This was my first and last session shooting skateboarding, but I really need to get to the park more. I thinks its “ok” for my first effort but realise i have a lot to learn. The original in colour was shot very late afternoon and i did not do a custom white balance so the colours look a bit off so i made it black and white. I managed to get everyone in the background out of frame as it was packed that day and there where scooters everywhere!


Sic Pic catalyst!!!!!  cool grin


When i tried to lighten up the rider just a touch i have gone over the background a little and caused a halo around his arm. Not really sure how it happened, might need to re-edit one day. Besides that, any suggestions appreciated. Its quite grainy even though it was at 400 iso.

Mizu Kuma - 01 May 2011 10:40 AM

Sic Pic catalyst!!!!!  cool grin

Thanks Mizu Kuma.


Nice work Catalyst,

I really like the B/W shot it is a great composition the only thing I would change is taking a slight step to the right so the tree in the background is not behind the skater at all.  It is a bit of a distraction for me.

Your second shot I would zoom / crop out a bit more give us a little more view of the landing and/or ramp.  What program are you using to edit?  I can see the hallow around the majority of the rider but like you said it can be edited a little more to fix that.  I do like the back ground and the silhouette of the spectators in this shot they add to the scene.

Nice work keep shooting!



Try reducing your aperture to get a narrower focal depth, it will put more attention on your subject by making the back and foreground blurry.

The biggest fault with the BMX shot is the tree.
2nd is the cement seam being cut off the bottom.

In that photo I like all the sharp lines and harsh contrast. The best thing is your own comment on your position - a touch lower to remove the tree would also have increased the perceived air the rider is getting and exaggerated the lines and angles of the ramp (like the cement seam).

Ideally any photographer should shoot well enough to not have to use an enhancement program. An ISO of 400 wont cause graininess - Was it grainy before you uploaded? If so by opening up the aperture you will let more light onto the sensor and reduce the grain.

I think your shooting f/22 you could be shooting at half that.

Include the settings you use for your shots. Maybe even the MetaData.