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What aggravates you in lift lines?

Billy - 16 July 2012 12:07 PM

I also notice that *some* kids really need to be taught to wait in line patiently without pushing - I’ve had heaps o little tackers recently jumping all over my board and getting in front of me! LOL

Maybe I’m just too slow… wink

This happened to me two weeks ago at Buller. We were waiting in line for the magic carpet trying to get over to shaky knees and there is a kiddie ski school behind us. There was one kid who was trying to edge closer and closer, he was in front of his instructor. Ht my brand new board that had just seen snow that day, about 6 times. The little turd kbew he was hitting my board. I did end up telling him to stop it. Wonder if his mum & pops told him that snowboarders were evil….that little turd did have a glint in his eyes after all.


Blue Cow to Guthega?  You mean the trail that runs off to the left below the skitube station?  I don’t remember any of that coming close to needing to skate????  It’s actually one of my favourite parts of the day when I park at Guthega, the cruise back there down that run, it’s usually quiet, lots of trees and you can carry a lot of speed through most of it, even some cool rollers towards the end. 

I love parking at Guthega, it’s a good way to start and finish the day rather than in the carpark at front valley with 10,000 others.  Cruisy mornings and afternoons, my favourite way back there is via the slackcountry though, only done it once but it was one of the best runs I’ve ever had here.  I could imagine if the cover wasn’t so great it could be one of the worst experiences though.


The trail from the top of Pleasent Valley to Guthega is soooo much better. Hardly anyone knows about it.

But the one from the Ski tube over - hmmm I think the fact you don’t have to unstrap comes down to your size mate! LOL. I doubt young Dylan would make it easy!


Size and confidence. You pretty much need to straight line it at some spots.

Oz, show us the pleasant valley way at the shred?


Maybe I spose I have a habit of carrying as much speed as I can through runs like that, I will try to straightline as much as I can from the tube station around the corner onto that long straight section, after that you’re golden until the very bottom where you might need to skate 20metres or so. I’m pretty dylan could make it easy, just think like ricky bobby, “I wanna go fast”.

TJswish - 16 July 2012 11:28 PM

Oz, show us the pleasant valley way at the shred?

Will do! But i ain’t doing it on a board!

ozgirl - 17 July 2012 12:29 AM
TJswish - 16 July 2012 11:28 PM

Oz, show us the pleasant valley way at the shred?

Will do! But i ain’t doing it on a board!

Thats fine. Most likely we won’t be doing it either due to conditions lol.


Good point!

How great would it be if this was the best September ever!!

(secretly I am hoping that will be the case since Mizu isn’t coming!)

ozgirl - 17 July 2012 12:40 AM

Good point!

How great would it be if this was the best September ever!!

(secretly I am hoping that will be the case since Mizu isn’t coming!)

You are evil!!!!! Eeeevil, I tells ya!!!!!  hmmm


Gotta agree with the masses…first board I ever purchased with my hard earned casholo as an eager 20 year old…sparkling new Palmer….standing in the line for the Perisher Quad for its first ever run (yes that’s right it had not even done a run)...beginner smashed straight into the back of it coming into the line out of control…ripped a huge chunk out of the back of the board and delam…straight to the workshop for my new baby. Needless to say that poor young bloke heard some very colourful language in combinations you’d never imagined wink


If someone damages your car, you take their details and make them pay for any repairs - or replacement if it’s brand new. I don’t get how people are so easily allowed to get away with damaging snow gear - and the most they cop is a few choice words? A major reason people don’t give a shit about doing this kind of thing is because they know there’s bugger-all personal liability. The sooner more people make others accountable for their careless actions, the better - as it’s the only way these selfish dickheads will learn respect for other people’s property.


Yep, spot on chucky!!

TJswish - 16 July 2012 11:28 PM

Size and confidence. You pretty much need to straight line it at some spots.

Oz, show us the pleasant valley way at the shred?

its prob just the track out to Double Trouble, puts you on the bridge below poma

Guthega sucks cause it is filled with lycra wearing race skiers and shitty lift system that can’t handle the punters

snow can be good over there, but only go there midweek


Yeah that is the one Cabby.


Ahh the double black. No wonder you didn’t want to board it raspberry