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Trailer for new feature film “More than Honey”


And now for something completely different!!

Some of you may know I’m a research scientist. I recently began investigating gene regulation in honeybees and since then I’ve become absolutely fascinated by bees and their curious social hierarchy. You may also have heard that there is a global decline in bee numbers and hives are collapsing at an alarming rate. While some of the causes such as pathogens and parasites are known, many of the deaths are unexplained. Whatever the underlying reasons for these collapses, there is the very real possibility that bees may completely die out in the next decade which would be devastating for all of humanity and have negative ramifications for many global ecosystems. While Australia has been largely unaffected by these collapses, it is inevitable that we will soon face the same problems here.

I wanted to share with you a trailer for a new feature film created over the last 5 years by European director Markus Imhoof. This film looks at the plight of honeybees and the way in which humanity is impacting upon their survival. Our research division at the Centre for Integrative Bee Research at the University of Western Australia acted as scientific advisers for and feature in this film. It contains extraordinary cinematography and hopefully will be released in Australia in early 2013.

If you like it , please share on your social networks. shaka


Okay Anitsense - now Dad really will get out of bed to you pick up. but I warn you he will want to talk Bees!

You must be the only person in the world that i don’t have to warn not to talk to dad about his bees!


Haha no problem, I love talking about bees LOL


Interesting documentary and we learn to aware how important bee in our life…
Liked the trailer