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Grab for Swag Contest 2012


You can enter two different categories but one must be the Flying Squirrel. You can enter more than one entry into the same category and we will pick the best.


Does that make Red Frog’s the only legit entry so far then?????


Nah, if you enter twice one of the two entries has to be a flying squirrel.


^ That.


Ohhhh, I see now!!!!!

Did you edit your first post, or am I just not 20 anymore?????

Aidy - 19 September 2012 01:57 AM

As far as I understand you don’t have to decide what’s being entered into which catogary until judging time, but perhaps stating it when it’s not obvious would make it way easier. 

Which catogary were you thinking of enter your pic into?

i was going to delete my entry and put one in for the wipeout section seeing as nobody has entered
but oh well

rider26 - 19 September 2012 03:29 AM

You can enter two different categories but one must be the Flying Squirrel. You can enter more than one entry into the same category and we will pick the best.

thank you

im not going to try and label them because as i have already proved, i have no idea what im talking about


Nice shots jordan, keep them coming.  My favourite is the mute at the top.  Oh I almost forgot, you’re so close with the second and third ones, just got to sort out that back arm….jk…


thanks smile yea i kept on trying for a squirrel but i think i need to just man up and hit the bigger jumps, too late for this season though


So this is my entry for the Grab For Swag Comp, the first trick is for the straight air with grab (he made up a grab read info of video for details) and second trick is the Flying Squirrel Grab!!!



oh. I thought you had to put in an entry of yourself riding? Or at least the vid be of someone who is a member?

I could well be wrong but that was the impression I was under?


they are some nice grabs though!


yeh you have to put a vid of yourself in…..might have to get them to sign up Rick!


While going through some footage I noticed a little flying squirrel I did in Liechhart - shot in first person.
I don’t know where jez was, he kept telling me he was going to video my grab for swag attempts but don’t think he got a single frame. I dropped into the pipe twice in front of him, and have sussed pulling one in it, but again he was to focused on getting to front valley or is it that all GoPro cameras have united and agreed to not work when pointed at me.

It’s a conspiracy.


aww damn, i didnt know the boarder had to be the member lol owell