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Flying Squirrel Contest or something else?

Poll: Flying Squirrel or new trick?
Total Votes: 29
Flying Squirrel
New trick
rider26 - 27 June 2012 05:46 AM

I do like that idea.

Could do it as two separate contests.

What would the simpler trick be?

I was thinking maybe 3 categories????

Maybe a Tail Grab, a Spin (180), then the Flying Squirrel?????

Each will have scope for the riders own interpretation and be judged on difficulty, height, distance, tweaks, style?????

You can have a few judges with a points based system, so it gives an even playin field!!!!!


What about a ‘come into the jump unbalanced and slam into the ramp” contest? I reckon I’d be a chance in that one.  LOL

Mizu Kuma - 27 June 2012 05:53 AM
rider26 - 27 June 2012 05:46 AM

I do like that idea.

Could do it as two separate contests.

What would the simpler trick be?

I was thinking maybe 3 categories????

Maybe a Tail Grab, a Spin (180), then the Flying Squirrel?????

Each will have scope for the riders own interpretation and be judged on difficulty, height, distance, tweaks, style?????

You can have a few judges with a points based system, so it gives an even playin field!!!!!

what about some stuff other than jumps, too eg. best butter, best jib trick, best jump.  Give the park rats something and also not create pressure to break your neck on some massive 30 footer.


Best Spray in The Face?????

Best Spray the Unwittin Skier?????


haha I could give you a run for your money on that one for sure, Tills.

Definitely stick with flying squirrel!

rider26 - 27 June 2012 05:46 AM

What would the simpler trick be?

In Google Images, enter “michael jackson pose”. There’s lots.

A few years ago in NZ, we thought it’d be fun to mimic Jacko’s most iconic moves while riding - just a fun pisstake really - but it gave birth to the ‘Jackson Grab’. It’s not really a ‘grab’ in the traditional sense - unless you count grabbing your nuts. It make it more fun that there’s no specific move - just as long as it’s unmistakeably MJ, it’s all good - sound effects score extra points. Jackson Grabs can be attempted jibbing, buttering, in the air, whatever - I reckon one-footers would make for some insane Jacko poses. Beginners to pros can bust out Jackson Grabs, so it’s kinda cool as far as a contest concept goes - and just gets more impressive the more skill/style/technique/danger involved.

Mudhoney - 27 June 2012 06:07 AM
Mizu Kuma - 27 June 2012 05:53 AM
rider26 - 27 June 2012 05:46 AM

I do like that idea.

Could do it as two separate contests.

What would the simpler trick be?

I was thinking maybe 3 categories????

Maybe a Tail Grab, a Spin (180), then the Flying Squirrel?????

Each will have scope for the riders own interpretation and be judged on difficulty, height, distance, tweaks, style?????

You can have a few judges with a points based system, so it gives an even playin field!!!!!

what about some stuff other than jumps, too eg. best butter, best jib trick, best jump.  Give the park rats something and also not create pressure to break your neck on some massive 30 footer.

Can we have a contest for worst injury of the season, hopefully, for more than one reason, I win.


Unfortunately pushing people to injure themselves is not a very good business plan for a snowboarding website and I doubt you will win prizes for it lol.


but we could award him the prize now and then nobody else needs to bother getting injured!

Poll: I voted flying squirrel .....but this poll is a classic case of leading the witness your honour~


It used to be known as the booby prize…...........................


Who wins boobies?


Hurray for boobies!


speaking of boobie prizes
i will donate

brand new still in plastic
3 dvd set of kim kardashian fit in your jeans by friday dvds LOL



Bring it to the shred, I’ll trade it for a key chain raspberry


Can ya get it to me by this arvo, humdinga?????