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Trying to kill my phone


I don’t get how people can afford an $800 phone but can’t afford to pay $100 for a screen replacement if they break it. It annoys me too much lol

cords - 26 June 2012 11:05 PM

haha ask Crackers about phones!!! I think he uses them as bait when fishing? or has a few times anyway. haha. all his phones are hand-me-downs, anyway.

I think I got my first phone in 2000 or 2001 and I’ve probably been through about 4 or 5 phones in that time. I drop mine on a regular basis but I don’t have flimsy phones so I’ve never had a cracked screen. I’m super reluctant to get an all-touch screen phone for that very reason, though.

I think I have only had 7 phones in my life. Its just that every single one of them has fallen into the sea at some stage.
My first one went in the drink in about 2002 and sat in a draw until 2011, I swapped the battery and it worked again. At least until I dropped it in the sea again.

TJswish - 27 June 2012 01:39 AM

I don’t get how people can afford an $800 phone but can’t afford to pay $100 for a screen replacement if they break it. It annoys me too much lol

someone gave me an iphone a few months back with a broken screen and i had it replaced. I walked into my house and a friend decided to show me how to do a triangle hold and I dropped the phone out of my pocket (from a grand height of 10cm!) and it cracked again…stupid thing. I havent been to the shops since then so have never got it fixed. still works fine though.

Still not convinced by this iphone - its fragile and you have to have the stupid thing charging all the time. Although Spaz suggested a few remedies for short battery life and ill try them.


ozgirl - 27 June 2012 01:31 AM

Cracks me up the people who break their iphone screens in the first week. then fumble with a broken screen for months!

very funny!

CRACKERS - 27 June 2012 01:38 AM
Mizu Kuma - 26 June 2012 11:21 PM
CRACKERS - 26 June 2012 02:22 PM
Mizu Kuma - 26 June 2012 04:54 AM

I have heard of people usin the freezer to “dry” out their electrical gear also!!!!! (I’m not so sure as to how that would work though, as the moisture has just been frozen and not really removed, but I’ve never tried the theory myself!!!!!)

I reckon that on a below zero day (Without precipitation), and a good breeze, it will do the trick!!!!! I remember when we were in Japan (Hokkaido), the humidity was 0 as the temperate was -10 at it’s peak!!!!! When we got back to SYD airport it was like steppin into the tropics!!!!! You could cut the air with a knife it felt that thick!!!!!

I don’t know about freezing it. Water expands when frozen and I’d imagine that if there is water in a small space or crack inside your phone somewhere, the water would expand as ice forms, potentially causing further damage .....everyone’s probably left a sealed glass bottle with water inside a freezer before and seen what can happen?

Yeah mate, like I said I have never tried the theory myself!!!!!

But I don’t think that the expansion bit would be a worry as if the liquid can enter into the small space or crack, then it will be able to expand back out the same entrance!!!!! The deal with a bottle is that it is pressure sealed!!!!! If the phone was pressure sealed then the liquid wouldn’t get in there in the first place!!!!!

One thing that makes me doubt the freeze theory though, is when the liquid has been frozen, it is still there when it thaws!!!!! Probably why I have never been keen to try the concept in the first place?????

Yeh I am not 100% it would do damage ...but(there is always a but!), When water gets in cracks in rocks and freezes, it cracks the rocks, even though there is an entrance for it to expand out into. It might depend on how cold it is and how fast the water freezes. Plus like you said the water will still be inside the phone? Are there any physicists on here? someone ring that Dr Karl bloke and ask!

Anyone got Julius’s Mobile Number?????


Anyone had their battery explode in the snow and had to get a new phone?

Mine did back in 2005!

I was devo!


most people get their phones on contract they don’t buy them. So paying for a new screen is likely out of budget.

but you can get a new screen and fix it for half what they charge



I just read that putting an iPhone in the freezer will damage the lcd screen.

The “freeze your phone to remove moisture” is placing it in the fridge NOT FREEZER.


In that case, I’m glad I haven’t tried the freezer method!!!!!

spaz - 27 June 2012 09:26 PM

I think i need to buy a bunch of these and hand them out for birthday/xmas presents!


I’ve just finished complete disassemble, clean with grease and wax remover and reassemble. Restored phone from iTunes.
The phone now works but the led is still on and the lcd is dark (but works) though it’s so dark I can’t use it. Looks like the Digitizer is damaged and I have to replace it and the screen - ebay $30 inc postage.


Took phone to ‘phone hospital’ before buying new LCD. They took a peak inside and tested another LCD and confirmed the motherboard was dead.
One of the inner water sensors hadn’t triggered and the tech reckoned I would get it under warranty so went to the Apple Store.

Unfortunately one of the sensors had triggered and even though I had obviously taken it apart (had screws missing) they replaced it for $229.
cool cheese


Price drop to $229, or a special deal?

chucky - 30 June 2012 07:34 AM

Bloody great company with good support, Price drop to $229, or a special deal?

The first one I think Chucky!!!!!
