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PS3 XBOX or Wii?

Poll: What’s the best console system?
Total Votes: 18
Darkclouds097 - 18 June 2012 02:06 PM

I’m not sure when but if I were you I’d wait until the next console comes out. It’d be like buying an iphone4 just before the 5 comes out…

The next PlayStation and XBox probably won’t be out until 2014. Very late 2013 at the absolute earliest.


Not voting for any of them, however I will say that the Wii is easily soft-moddable and will play any Wii title once this is done.  You can connect up a USB hard disk loaded with hundreds of titles if you want.  Our Wii used to sit in the corner collecting dust until I modded it, now the kids are wanting to play on it all the time.


I’d vote PC, I get over console games too quick.

Wii - Good if you like multiplayer games and games like Mario Kart, Donkey Kong, gimmicky games.
Xbox - More comfy controller, decent graphics, some good exclusive titles, good online but you pay for it.
PS3 - decent controller, best graphics, some good exclusive titles, average online and they had a privacy issue not too long ago

Overall, I’d say get what your mates have and play online with them, that’s where the most fun is.

Mudhoney - 19 June 2012 12:31 AM

Not voting for any of them, however I will say that the Wii is easily soft-moddable and will play any Wii title once this is done.  You can connect up a USB hard disk loaded with hundreds of titles if you want.  Our Wii used to sit in the corner collecting dust until I modded it, now the kids are wanting to play on it all the time.

You can glitch hack pretty much all 360’s which gives it JTAG abilities i.e play direct from hdd usb or internal, free xbla, free dlc if you are that way inclined. No online play once you do this though.

LeBron_MVP - 19 June 2012 12:16 AM
Tills - 18 June 2012 10:37 PM

I went with PS3 as I have a 3D TV. The PS3 is the only console that doubles as a 3D Blu Ray player.

At the time I figured if I’m buying a 3DBR player, I might as well be able to play games on it too.

I had a 3d tv, and i felt it was a cool gimmick. Thats it.

The 3d is a 1000x times better than the crud 3d you get in the cinema’s yes, but you rarely use it and when you do only 2 people can watch it (unless you fork out extra $$$ for extra glasses. i didnt as our samsung glasses cost $80 each)

Wish I had your eyes. I’ve tried the 3d function on my TV a couple of times but can’t stand the darker picture and my eyes can see it flickering which gives me a headache pretty quickly. Fortunately I bought the tv purely for HQ 2d which it does well. I wish the 3Dtv/movie fad would hurry up and go away.

antisense - 19 June 2012 12:29 AM

I definitely want media center functionality as I’m sick of having to burn DVD’s every time I download stuff off the net. That takes for eva!! I’ve heard that the xbox has a better media center functionality that the play station, but don’t know whether to blieve it.

I wouldn’t consider either of them particularly good media players. You are much better off purchasing a dedicated network media player i.e wdlive style device or even better a HTPC.

drc13 - 19 June 2012 02:02 AM
Mudhoney - 19 June 2012 12:31 AM

Not voting for any of them, however I will say that the Wii is easily soft-moddable and will play any Wii title once this is done.  You can connect up a USB hard disk loaded with hundreds of titles if you want.  Our Wii used to sit in the corner collecting dust until I modded it, now the kids are wanting to play on it all the time.

You can glitch hack pretty much all 360’s which gives it JTAG abilities i.e play direct from hdd usb or internal, free xbla, free dlc if you are that way inclined. No online play once you do this though.


I don’t know anything about hacking 360s but a guy here at work has one and says it’s a perpetual race against Microsoft who keep patching out the hacks.  I guess there may be some hack to stop it patching but as you say, that would lock out online.

Mudhoney - 19 June 2012 02:13 AM
drc13 - 19 June 2012 02:02 AM
Mudhoney - 19 June 2012 12:31 AM

Not voting for any of them, however I will say that the Wii is easily soft-moddable and will play any Wii title once this is done.  You can connect up a USB hard disk loaded with hundreds of titles if you want.  Our Wii used to sit in the corner collecting dust until I modded it, now the kids are wanting to play on it all the time.

You can glitch hack pretty much all 360’s which gives it JTAG abilities i.e play direct from hdd usb or internal, free xbla, free dlc if you are that way inclined. No online play once you do this though.


I don’t know anything about hacking 360s but a guy here at work has one and says it’s a perpetual race against Microsoft who keep patching out the hacks.  I guess there may be some hack to stop it patching but as you say, that would lock out online.

Yeah he’s probably talking more about the basic dvd firmware mod which essentially lets you play burnt discs. These mods could easily be overwritten when MS released software updates which came via the web or on discs. They now have more advanced drive emulators that you can use for that purpose and if you wish you can even play online with them but you are always running the risk of a ban wave (which purely bans that console from xbox live you can still use it offline) although to the best of my knowledge there hasn’t been one for years.

The JTAG/Glitch hack are much more advanced and allow you to do more but you’d be pretty stupid to go online with them as they would be incredibly easy to detect. For that reason I have a completely stock 360 that sits next to my JTAG should I ever decided I want to go online.

As I haven’t really used my console for a while my knowledge could also be a little outdated but that’s what the deal was back then


360 for sure!


Besides the endless rivalry, you really wont go wrong with either PS3 or XBOX360. They are both good consoles.
The PS3 has the advantage of built in Blueray player. The XBOX does not.
I feel the XBOX has a more reliable and more solid multiplayer capability. Although you pay for XBOX Live access, you wont be dissapointed with the service or endless downloads and add ons.
Games for each are usually on both consoles so you wont really miss out there.
As for the Wii. Its heaps of fun in a group or party but doesn’t really have the long term gaming life.


XBOX (360) for me, at the time I got it the selection of games was much better than the PS3, plus I wouldn’t get one unless it was compatible with my PS2 + PS1.


None. Build a PC that can play all the games with better details and won’t require you to upgrade the entire console every 4 years when the latest games come out - the most you’ll be upgrading is the graphics card. And if you like the controller feel just buy a usb one for it.

LeBron_MVP - 19 June 2012 12:16 AM
Tills - 18 June 2012 10:37 PM

I went with PS3 as I have a 3D TV. The PS3 is the only console that doubles as a 3D Blu Ray player.

At the time I figured if I’m buying a 3DBR player, I might as well be able to play games on it too.

I had a 3d tv, and i felt it was a cool gimmick. Thats it.

The 3d is a 1000x times better than the crud 3d you get in the cinema’s yes, but you rarely use it and when you do only 2 people can watch it (unless you fork out extra $$$ for extra glasses. i didnt as our samsung glasses cost $80 each)

Yeah I agree with you. 3D is a little gimmicky, but I have to admit that I do like it, even though I don’t go mad buying 3D content. I only buy titles I really think are worth it. The way I saw it at the time, buying a 3D TV cost me about $100-$200 more than an equivalent non-3D set.

At the time Samsung had a big promo on. I got a 50 inch fullHD plasma, plus a 22 inch fullHD LED TV, 5 pairs of glasses, and 5 3D movies for $1550.

I could have bought a non-3D set for marginally less, and would have gotten none of the extra kit with it.


I’ve always preferred playing on Playstation compared to XBox. I think the main reason is I prefer the controllers. They feel more natural in my hand.

Wii is fun but I still prefer PS3 or XBox.


i have only ever heard the opposite (xbox controllers being hell more comfortable)

Your weird hahhaa


I’ve used both after originally having a PS2, then moving to Xbox, and now back to PS3.

When I moved from PS to XB I thought the XB controller was far more comfortable. Now I’m back on the PS and find the controller fine.

I think it’s just a case of getting used to what you’re using.


I think I need some alone time with the controllers…..