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What cars do you drive for snow


Out of what we have said, any preferences?
What year are you willing to go back too?

cords - 19 June 2012 12:21 AM

jeepers! $15-20k and that is downgrading? I spent 6k on my car in 2005 and that felt like a small fortune! grin


Yeah my current car is the poshest i have owned! LOL

I just don’t see the point - maybe if you drive it every day!

But in terms of the downgrading - he may be talking about size/other things NOT cost.

But hey at least he is not buying brand new! Man that’s is throwing away your cash!

My parents for years have bought a car 6mths ish old and traded it in every 2 years, for a 6mth old car. You still get warranty and get a much better priced car.

Pazza - IMO FWIW if I had of had that budget I would have got an Outback. Foresters are okay but find them not sexy! LOL


outbacks look like old person cars. Forresters are hell better looking!


go forester over outback anyday


a few other things that would be good to know.

How many people will generally be in it?  Does it need to carry more than 2 people, eg: do you have kids?  ( I got away with 2 seat utes for 8 years no worries)

Do you drive in traffic a lot, unless it’s a performance car you’re after if you’re driving in traffic an auto is a better option.

Does having a bit of warranty left still interest you?

Are you prepared to pay for Premium Unleaded (generally speaking you need this with Suby’s and some others)

Is performance a big consideration?

I guess a lot of it comes down to if you’re a car enthusiast or you like A to B and thats about it.


This would be good for the snow and is big enough to fit a bunch of gear in as well as having decent off road ability should the mood take you;=&__N=834 1216 1246 1247 1252 1282 751 937 412 903 4294696630&SearchAction=N&silo=1011&PriceTo=412&seot=1&__Ns=pCar_PriceSort_Decimal|1||pCar_RankSort_Int32|1||pCar_Make_String|0||pCar_Model_String|0&__Nne=15&trecs=31&__sid=1375ADABBCE0

Bit of performance and Space;=&__N=834 1216 1246 1247 1252 1282 751 412 903 4294696630 4294963801 4294963567 4294739430&SearchAction=N&silo=1011&PriceTo=412&seot=1&__Ns=pCar_PriceSort_Decimal|1||pCar_RankSort_Int32|1||pCar_Make_String|0||pCar_Model_String|0&__Nne=15&trecs=4&__sid=1375ADABBCE0

Fits under 15K with low kms;=&__N=834 1216 1246 1247 1252 1282 412 903 4294696630 4294963801 4294963567 749&SearchAction=N&silo=1011&PriceTo=412&seot=1&__Ns=pCar_PriceSort_Decimal|1||pCar_RankSort_Int32|1||pCar_Make_String|0||pCar_Model_String|0&__Nne=15&trecs=7&__sid=1375ADABBCE0

Get to the snow quick;=&__N=834 1216 1246 1247 1252 1282 751 412 903 4294696630 4294963801 4294963800 4294680283 4294739757&SearchAction=N&silo=1011&PriceTo=412&seot=1&__Ns=pCar_PriceSort_Decimal|1||pCar_RankSort_Int32|1||pCar_Make_String|0||pCar_Model_String|0&__Nne=15&trecs=4&__sid=1375ADABBCE0

Cheap with warranty and Suby reliablility;=&Cr=4&MileageTo=751&SearchAction=N&__N=834 1216 1246 1247 1252 1282 751 903 4294696630 4294963801 4294963800 4294680283 412 1767&silo=1011&PriceTo=412&seot=1&__Ns=pCar_PriceSort_Decimal|1||pCar_RankSort_Int32|1||pCar_Make_String|0||pCar_Model_String|0&__Nne=15&trecs=5&__sid=1375ADABBCE0

This one kinda ticks all the boxes;=&__N=834 1216 1246 1247 1252 1282 751 412 903 4294696630 4294963801 4294963605 4294680280&SearchAction=N&silo=1011&PriceTo=412&seot=1&__Ns=pCar_PriceSort_Decimal|1||pCar_RankSort_Int32|1||pCar_Make_String|0||pCar_Model_String|0&__Nne=15&trecs=7&__sid=1375ADABBCE0

The Economy choice;=&__No=30&__N=834 1216 1246 1247 1252 1282 751 412 903 4294965579 4294852939 937&SearchAction=N&silo=1011&PriceTo=412&seot=1&__Ns=pCar_PriceSort_Decimal|1||pCar_RankSort_Int32|1||pCar_Make_String|0||pCar_Model_String|0&__Nne=15&trecs=32&__sid=1375ADABBCE0


Someone was bored at work! haha


Jeep - HOT

2004 black Forester - slightly less sexy than Jeep

Silver Forrester - boring family car IMO

2006 Imprezza - check you can afford insurance before you commit

2010 - Nice!

2005 Liberty NICE

i30 - Don’t ever buy a Hyandai without talking to me - new or used. Long time family friend owns a dealership in Penrith. Will look after anyone i send their way.


are you in vic pazza? i cant remember?


here is another nice forester for 15k,20000~1&eapi=2&sort=default&cr=2&__N=1246 1247 1252 1282 4294963801 4294963567 1216&silo=Stock&find=xt|CarAll


hmmm maybe I should sell mine, and get that…..


Yep thats style is sexy LOL, the older style is a grandma/family car.

(yes I am such a girl!)


if anything i would say the new style is boring/family car. Hence why my mate and his fiancée bought one.

I nearly bought one like this a few years ago;

epic snow cruiser;


how would you go putting chains on those wheels?  It looks pretty tight under the arches.


I love the new style. But love the older style too.
My mate has an 08-09 XT and it is an awesome car to drive. I love it. They ahve taken it 4x4in out at Sheepyard Flat too and kept up with all the other trucks