The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
07 the snow and food and beer and the people
10 the snow and friends who i aint seen in years were there.
ps. i see where you’re going with this
I’m glad that you can see where I’m goin!!!!!
Cause I’ve told ya a few times already!!!!! To Niseko!!!!!
Have a good un!
IF you decide to go anywhere else in hokkaido - i would definately do a road trip to tomamu and if poss - asahidake (spell?) loads of pow and steeper.
I’m goin down to Nozawa after a few days in Tokyo first!!!!!
nozawa is tops. they’re a bit more hostile on the out of bounds rule - but enough to go round
if you can hit up where they cook food at the top of the village - it’s pretty cool. vegetables and eggs cooked in the onsen stinky.
I’m stayin in a Ryokan right next to it!!!!!
I’m stayin in a Ryokan right next to it!!!!!
nice one
and next to the moving carpet
Yeah, the Yu Road’s a stones throw away!!!!!
83 days! It’s been too long!
83 days! It’s been too long!
Haha you sure love a countdown!
Agreed much too long! I’d almost say I’m more excited about this trip than last. Certainly more relaxed about it. I’m owed a lot of Pow after last trip so fortunately for you January is going to be one for the ages!
83 days! It’s been too long!
I’ve got 111 days to go!!!!!
83 days! It’s been too long!
I’ve got 111 days to go!!!!!
If all goes to plan I’ve got 89 days to go!!!
I’ve made a countdown thread, so add yaself in DRC!!!!!
I think its 48 days for me…but I’m not going to japan….but still!
Haha impeccable timing. I’m on it!