The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive

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Introduce yourself here..

hear here… snow and to being greedy by wanting more

L.B. - 04 July 2009 09:02 AM

Beth… Whistler Beth??

Im hoping to get down to Falls with Jeremy for the Burton product days.. and so i can write reviews on all next years products. But otherwise will hope to get down sometime this season. Maybe for Style Wars.

Hows the snow fall?

What do all the girls think about the new ‘World News’ section? New Zealand will be coming this week with updates from Burton rider ‘Shelly Gotlieb’ and sometime soon we will be launching Canada, Japan, Europe and the U S of A. Would love everyones feedback.


I read something about Shelly recently online and I think it said she rides for Rome…
Did she used to?


This is fair awesome, hotham and buller are the slopes i run, this site is cool as
and by the way looking for new bindings was wondering if anyone would recommend any?

avolk91 - 07 July 2009 10:26 AM

This is fair awesome, hotham and buller are the slopes i run, this site is cool as
and by the way looking for new bindings was wondering if anyone would recommend any?

+1 rides with the Burton Lexas - actually she has 2 pairs (1 pair for each board she has). I suggested she only needed one pair but the first pair she bought did not “match” her other board *sigh* smile

She has had them for a couple of seasons (and at least 50+ days of riding) and have not heard her complain once about her bindings (which has to be a good thing!). She rides everywhere but the terrain park so they have served her very well.

avolk91 - 07 July 2009 10:26 AM

This is fair awesome, hotham and buller are the slopes i run, this site is cool as
and by the way looking for new bindings was wondering if anyone would recommend any?


The product section of ‘Girls Only’ should be up shortly.. so you can check out the best binding there. But for the mean time.. What kind of riding do you do / level.. and what boots do you use?


Also nice to see another girl in here.


hey, I’m a girl and I’m on here…

My name is Margie…ripe old age of 27. First snowboarded when I was 24, did a few days here and there (damn I wish I’d started younger!)...just finished my first full season in Åre, Sweden. Got 85 days on the hill and loved every single second of it. I’m returning home to oz on monday & hopefully hitting up perisher for thurs & fri next week! I just finished a little shred edit of mine and my boyfriends footage from our Åre season (just for fun!) and seeing all that footage again has got me so amped to ride that I’m nearly jumping out of my skin & I’m frothing on my favourite vids & doing happy dances etc grin
I love snowboarding because its so much fun. I feel like every single time I go out, I can learn and improve and have fun with my friends at the same time. I skate a little bit but my other main passion is bodyboarding, along with a bunch of other sports.

I ride an Omatic Sweet 150 (Hampus Mosesson) board and I frigging LOVE everything about it & I run some banged up but well loved Ride Vxn bindings on it. I love all aspects of snowboarding but froth on park stuff the most at the moment, as I just learnt to jump a bit last season. I’m hell crap, but love it anyway!

Get out there and snowboard, girls! You shouldn’t need a big bunch of other girls to do it - go by yourself or go out and tag along with your guy mates & push yourself!

haha thats enough from me…. cheers!


Hey Margie…or should I say Maggen,

I watched your vid this morning and thought it was killer. Just reading your post then I can say the vibe you’re putting out totally comes out in your edit. You guys looked like you were loving it and best of all not taking yourselves too seriously. Loved it!


cheers SDV - all for fun.

Maggan is the swedish nickname for Margaret (my real name) but i go by Margie at home in Oz. (with the g sound like in egg. haha)


Hey Margie..

Thanks for the mini snowboarding life story. Love hearing how people get into the sport, and how stoked everyone gets with it. Sweden would be awesome to go. How did you find it? Any favourite places that you would have to recommend?

What do you think of the ‘Girls Only’ section? What would you like to see?



Hey girls, just wanted to let you know we have added Steph Hickey and Michaela Davis-Meehan to the Girls Only Pro Files section.

More features coming soon. Enjoy!


Jess Rich at the Cattleman’s Rail Jam at Mt Buller last night…


Jess took one of the last 4 spots at the Cattleman’s Rail Jam to represent the Girls.. Check her out.. Congrats from the ‘Girls Only Team’..


Awesome photo there!


I found out some big news..

Jess Rich just got signed to NITRO.

Nice work jess..


That’s great news. She has a bright future for sure.