The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive

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Introduce yourself here..


Welcome! smile


hi girls, im new to the forum world and also new to snowbaording, im sukah’s girlfriend and in four weeks we will be in perisher we are both super stoked to be going down for our first time.


Hey, welcome to you, storm! Hope you enjoy your holiday in a few weeks - I’m sure you will. Just remember to stick at it, don’t give up and you’ll be cruising down the hill in no time!


Hi Storm, welcome to Boardworld. Good to have you here!  cool smile


Nice to meet you storm! cheese
Oi Rider, what are you doing, your not a girl are you?!


Thanks for the welcome grin


Welcome Storm!!!


Hi peeps

Joined boardworls last week cos I saw the forums and was having some equipment problems but am enjoying some of the posts grin I Live in Melbourne and love snowboarding but only get to go a few days a year because of money, transport etc.  Have only been to Buller and Baw BAw thusfar.

PS. Are there are any other girls (or guys) also on a budget in the Melbourne area who want to go up for a day/wkend?


Welcome Littlefrog! (interesting name there - can I ask where your nickname comes from?)

Not from Melb but I am sure you will find some others.

Join in with some of the postings. They are most welcoming here (even to horrible skiers!!)


lol!  NAh it’s just something I came up with, has nothing to do with the way I board….  I do like frogs though cheese


Hey Littlefrog,

Welcome to Boardworld!

For a cheap weekend, look at the Boardworld Shred. We are all hitting up Thredbo and there are beds available on snow for $135 for the weekend (weekdays have sold out now). 16th-18th September -

If not, I know there are some Mexicans always up for some white pow pow!


Howdy Littlefrog! Welcome to BW smile

I’m a female mexican like yourself! I try to head up every weekend in the season… Off to Buller this weekend, then hotham the one after…

You’ll meet heaps of friends here shaka


Hey the Thredbo shred (try saying that fast when drunk) sounds awesome but is way too hard/pricey to get to (I am car-less) downer

Great schedule you go tthere Billy - I am hoping to hit Buller either next weekend (27/28) or def in September as nothing beats half price snow in Spring!! Off to NZ for a few days early Sept (cheaper than getting to the snow here would you believe!!) but just hoping to fill up sept with boarding when back.  ollie

Sad to say but I think Baw Baw’s season might be done.


Hi Littlefrog!

I’m from Melbourne too (: I’ve been snowboarding for about a total of two weeks, but I already feel like I was born to do it!

I’m 16, joined the forum a few days ago, and I’m addicted.


Hi ladies!

As I was lucky enough to meet some of the awesome Boardworld crew at the shred last week I thought I better pop an introduction on here… being a girl and all that grin

I’m Rhi, and like Just Giver and Ozgirl I ski, and enjoy it! First tried boarding back in 06, fractured my tailbone and hated it. Decided to give it another go in february this year (after spending 6 months living with snowboarders!!!) and i loved it!!! It seemed to come much easier second time around and was a lot more fun, so i headed to the shred last week and spent most of it on a board and am now in fear that I am being pulled over to the darkside!!!

Looking forward to getting to know all the girls on here!