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Perisher 2012


I headed back to Jindy a pretty knackered human, stopped off to get myself some Jimmy and Coke and got back to the camp ground.  I was too lazy to park at my tent and walk back for a shower so I parked right outside the amenities, did what I needed to do then drove to the tent.  I sat in my camp chair by the lake, read the latest surfer journal till it was too cold to sit outside and then sat in my car and watched The Art of Flight for the 16th time while I waited for Oz to let me know what was happening for dinner.  Finally got a text around 7pm saying that I was welcome to come to dinner with Coop and Vettski, wasn’t sure it would be allowed as it was the girls weekend but they graciously allowed me to join them at the Mexican restaurant.

Dinner and the after drinks was highly amusing, I think everyone had a good time, I left the girls to their own devices about 10ish at the LJH after making sure I had fulfilled my part of the shout.  My last sight of the girls was them dealing with some tobogganing scarf wearing acid dropping weirdo who had come up to the table for a chat, I had nothing left and had to retire to the fa g dome and leave them to deal with hipster weirdo on their own.

Next morning surprisingly Oz was up and ready for a lift to the hill on time, of the other two there was no sign although they were supposedly getting their under their own steam.  I had a quick tour of the ski patrol hut while Oz got her ski’s and boots and then we headed into the shitfight that is FV first thing in the morning peak season.  I think I will continue to start at Smigs or Guthega whenever possible.  Got out of FV ASAP and headed over to Bluecow which was in good shape.  We ended up doing Outer Limits and then cutting back through the trees onto Excelerator, this was easier said then done, Oz used her helmet as a battering ram through some low hanging branches and I ended up unstrapping and postholing my way over the edge of the run.  We then went back to pleasnt valley I think so Oz could show me her super secret awesome run back to Guthega. 

Did a couple of laps through the Bluecow park which was fun, I wasn’t super keen and just straight aired it but it’s a still a nice feeling.  Oz learnt a lesson about checking it first after she knuckled the second jump!

Despite promises to the contrary I had to hike about 400m to get to the start of said awesome run.  The view when we got there was pretty cool though


We set off down the cat track and all was going well until it just kinda stopped and realised we were now on double trouble.  All of this is on film via Oz’s drift camera so I will leave it to the video if she puts it up to tell the story, suffice to say it wasn’t all peaches and ice cream ha ha!  All this time Oz was trying to work out where the other girls were, and when she could hook up with them, no offence to me but it was sposed to be a girls weekend and she spent half the day riding with a bloke!  I left Oz as she was looking for them and I headed off back to FV to go home about 12:30, rooted but very happy, got home about 6pm last night.


Awesome TR Nthn!!

Yesterday was really fun and it seems whilst drunk on Margarita’s it is easy to convince me to snowboard!

I even came up with a plot to steal DylanV board to pull it off!

Vid to come soon (I need a lot of sleep tonight tho after getting home at 1am and getting to work at 7am - for a meeting which was cancelled at 6am!!!!!!! Which was after getting home from the LJ at 1.45am Sunday morning and then on first lifts with Nthn)


great work nthn…. i was going to come down this weekend…. but i couldn’t convince anyone to go for a drive with me.


Lanox I really could have done with someone to share driving with, you shoulda said something however you woulda needed to bring your own tent ha ha.  On the way home I had two cans of Mother again and still felt like pulling over for a nanna nap


Another great TR nthn


let me know next time u go…

yeah i have a tent sleeping bag lol all ready to rock ...

i Know i should of said something… grrrrrrr


Great TR nthn!! Would love to have seen some Aussie snow this season…  hmmm


Nice TR Nthn sounds like a great girls weekend!

Annoyed I couldn’t make it down last weekend but really looking forward to heading down with RPS again this upcoming weekend. Hopefully the rain stays away!

drc13 - 20 August 2012 02:30 AM

Nice TR Nthn sounds like a great girls weekend!

Haha - just wait for the video!!

ozgirl - 20 August 2012 02:39 AM
drc13 - 20 August 2012 02:30 AM

Nice TR Nthn sounds like a great girls weekend!

Haha - just wait for the video!!

Looking forward to it oz!

Big weekend for you congrats on the T-Bar/Boarding/Maccas challenge!  shaka

nthnbeachesguy - 19 August 2012 11:35 PM

On the way home I had two cans of Mother again and still felt like pulling over for a nanna nap

I hear ya Nthn!!!

Even with the stop revive survive at Goulburn Macca’s (Rider’s Challenge pit stop) i couldn’t do it and asked TJ to drive. I was shattered. Very thankful TJ was with me cause i don’t know how i would have done it alone.

drc13 - 20 August 2012 02:41 AM
ozgirl - 20 August 2012 02:39 AM
drc13 - 20 August 2012 02:30 AM

Nice TR Nthn sounds like a great girls weekend!

Haha - just wait for the video!!

Looking forward to it oz!

Big weekend for you congrats on the T-Bar/Boarding/Maccas challenge!  shaka

Thanks DRC!

It really was an awesome weekend - i support Nthn claim of best weekend this season. Good company and great snow!


Nice TR nthn! Sounds like a thoroughly epic weekend.


I’m back this weekend as well everything going to plan, hope like hell that forecast rain disappears and we have another epic weekend.  On a side note I’m back in love with my T Rice, not sure what was happening the last time I used it, probably more me than it but this weekend it went sick.


DRC I was a special guest MAN not an honorary girl to be clear.  I have no idea about what Oz will title her video or what music or captions shall accompany it, for any of that I take no responsibility.  I did not at any stage wear a dress, a bra, a wig or a tall hoodie or anything else that may call into question my masculinity.  Actually that reminds me, while I riding with Ash we happened upon a guy wearing a tall hoodie that came down below his knees.  Without any prompting from me Ash started laughing and commenting about the absurdity of it.

For one reason or another it reminded me of something that occurred to me the previous weekend in the Columbia fun park.  No one happened to be dropping and this one guy looked pretty keen to go, after looking around quickly and making the decision he drops a macho “lets do this thing” before “dropping”  (is it really called that in the fun park?) loud enough for everyone within about 6m to hear him.  I thought it was pretty funny when he said it, it was 10 times funnier when he landed on his head on the first 10footer, I wasn’t the only person to find it funny as everyone that heard it pissed themselves when he ate it.