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Perisher 2012

lanox - 17 August 2012 05:28 AM

man i wish i could go down for a weekend.

I wish I could go down on Olivia Wilde - but unfortunately, we can’t have everything.  downer


There was even snow on the mountain ranges around canberra thismorning


did u go down Dylan ?

chucky - 17 August 2012 08:02 AM
lanox - 17 August 2012 05:28 AM

man i wish i could go down for a weekend.

I wish I could go down on Olivia Wilde - but unfortunately, we can’t have everything.  downer



An ‘Olivia Wilde Weekend’ - EXTRA mmmmmmm!


Nah have to work thisweekend unfortunately, next time i head down will be next weekend, unless theres 20cm + fall tonight and then ill be there tomorrow LOL

chucky - 18 August 2012 09:07 AM

An ‘Olivia Wilde Weekend’ - EXTRA mmmmmmm!

How to get 1 million more BW users, have a comp with that as the prize drool


^ Yeeeeeeewwwwwwww!!!


spontaneous trip must be done..


Such a fun weekend, best snow of the season that I’ve had on saturday, cracked a few turns in knee deep plus, lots of boot deep as well! Will get a TR done at some point as well.


nthn u suck lol ... i was watching snow cams all weekend lol


Watching all those awesome reports made me feel physically ill.  downer


Super fun weekend!

Can’t wait to do the “Girls Day Out” vid! (hehehehehe - just you guys wait!)

Friday was the best day with the best and lightest snow (no I don’t call snow in Aussie powder but it was the closest I have ever seen!)

Saturday was amazing first thing -  boot deep on front valley anyone? (in the trees between the park and Sturt T), the rest of the resort it quickly got tracked out. The wind blown around Pretty was amazing too (the must have groomed first thing at the end of the day and the 20cm went on top!)


TR for the weekend just gone, IMO the best of the season.

Got a big project RFI on at work at the moment and because of this I was stuck in the office for a 5pm con call with APAC management and the resultant discussion lasted for a little while so I didn’t get into the car till just after 6, I hit the M4 at Parramatta about 6:20 but unbelievably I rocked into Jindy before 11pm.  I had a couple of mothers on the way (the drink that is) and by the time I had set what I affectionately refer to as the fa g dome up (two man tent although the two men would need to be either dwarves or very much in love to get comfortable in it) I had that weird shaky jittery feeling you get from too much caffeine and was really glad to lie down.  I bailed on the camper trailer for this trip as I was solo and wasn’t sure I could put the thing up or down by myself and I really didn’t feel like finding out at 11pm in zero degree temps.

Woke up in the morning feeling somewhat refreshed and drove up to the camp amenities block to have a shower and get changed as the fagdome doesn’t really lend itself to getting changed inside.  Popped into nuggets for a pie and a coffee (brekky of champs) and headed up to Perisher about 7:15, the traffic was just starting to get backed up to the first roundabout, glad I left early.  On the way up it became apparent just how much snow had fallen, looked very different to the previous weekend, there was even some snow still on the ground before I even crossed the Thredbo River into the national park.

Snow at the park gates

Snow Rider covered in snow

Sponars, you could have hiked and ridden around the hotel if you were keen.

The traffic was atrocious up the hill, they were fitting chains way down low just after the park gates so I elected to start at Smigs like I have been lately anyways.  I was 4th in line on the Burke and Wills Tbar and did my first run down the groomer that was covered in light dusting of fresh snow.  Second run I went off to skiers left through the trees and hit masses of “powder”, boot deep but not exactly light and dry and but still huge fun.  Next run was off to skiers right through the trees, more epic first tracks.  Did the link T bar and then rode the drop offs to skiers right, those were awesome, really deep and had a few faceshots on those.  Went back to Burke TBar and hiked off to the left where the cornice is, dropped off that into over knee deep, couldn’t even see where I was going for my second turn, was really light dry windblown up there!

After that I hit the link Tbar and bolted to interceptor for the opening, I was planning on going to Rollercoaster but got stuck on Interceptor for about 6 runs cause I kept seeing fresh lines.  Interceptor terrain is sick on a powder day, I wouldn’t even bother on a normal day though. 

Under the Interceptor chair

I’m pretty sure after that I headed over to FV and started lapping Leichardt.  Someone must be listening to me as it’s not got basically 5 kickers in a row, three on the first part, the first is like 15-18ft and each one after is progressively bigger until the 4th which is a new angle to the regular Leichardt setup and a 30ft and the fifth is like either a step up, a hip or if you’re really keen like 40ft table top.  I did quite a few laps just straight airing trying to get the speed right, no more knuckles for me whilst spinning thanks. 

When I was ok with that I started doing some front and back 3’s off the first hit, if you didn’t land perfectly smooth you weren’t going to carry enough speed for the second kicker though so a lot of times I ride over the knuckle of the second and then go straight air the 3 and 4th and then played with the hip of the 5th.  I buggered that hard one time in front of a few guys, had a fair bit of speed and was off kilter a bit and went flying off the top and luckily over onto the quarter pipe part of the hip landing super smooth but on my back!  Musta looked bad as they asked if I was ok but the back protector meant I felt nothing other than a slight bump.

Leichardt Park


I got in touch with Ozgirl and met up with her at mid station if I can remember and then headed over to meet up with Ashstyx for lunch at Eyre.  On the way there Ozgirl had a brief altercation with an out of bounds rope which I found highly amusing, I made some vague incredibly insincere promise not to tell anyone about how she ate shit trying to duck a boundary rope in her patrollers gear……………..

Anyway we met up with Ash, had a lunch of champs, Gatorade, lamb pie and chips and then headed up the Eyre Tbar.  Oz went off to patrol and Ash and I headed anywhere that was out of the wind, Eyre really wasn’t very pleasant.  On the way out of there we went through Sun Valley and over towards to the Leichardt Tbar, I was riding switch and managed to catch an edge and eat it pretty hard myself on basically the flats.  It was about this time I decided that Iwas more tired than I thought and I should probably watch what I was doing a little better.  Did one lap through the park with Ash, after my earlier fall and a Ash having a small incident on the dancefloor box it was decided that we should just cruise for a while.  My main concern at that point was that I didn’t want to ride anymore Tbars so we headed from FV over to Interceptor.

On the way there Ash caught a rail flatbasing and gave herself a decent knock, on the way up on the chair I said something about not knowing how much more riding I had in me, Ash was immediately like yeah I’m over it, way too tired so we went our separate ways at the bottom, me to Piper and Ash I think went up the pretty valley chair.  Big day of riding, the biggest of the season for me, started at 8:15 and went through till 3pm and covered over 4000m of vertical on the lifts.