The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


What’s your latest purchase?

Tills - 19 June 2014 08:43 AM

Finally grabbed this on the weekend! (The Weber, not the dog)1.
Can’t wait to do a roast pork. 2.

1. The Syd seems to be “extra happy” about the webber.

2. Invite Jez, more for you. smirk

Azz - 19 June 2014 11:07 AM

1. The Syd seems to be “extra happy” about the webber.

I wasn’t going to point that out…

ozgirl - 19 June 2014 10:33 AM

Awww cute photo!

One touch?? Gas? CHEAT!

(don’t mind me, just jealous - i can’t freakin master my charcoal weber rage you have done the smart thing)

Gas? Never!!! That would defeat the purpose of having a Weber in the first place! :p

“One Touch” refers to the cleaning system. You just pull a lever and the used ashes drop out.



Your dog is so awesome, Tills. I’d love to get him and Chilli together for a play.

Azz - 19 June 2014 11:07 AM

1. The Syd seems to be “extra happy” about the webber.

2. Invite Jez, more for you. smirk

1. How could you NOT be excited? Hahaha.

2. More for US, Azz.  smile



rider26 - 20 June 2014 11:19 AM

If there are any threads you want temporarily stickied in Social, please drop the link here and I will make it a sticky thread.


I was asking it to be made a sticky. NOT why is it a sticky!


rolleyes  :sigh:


Umm yeh, and Jez clearly said that if anyone wants a thread stickied to post the link in the spam thread.

Not go around typing sticky In every thread…

Hence why I quoted him


Notice the fucking time… geez get over it.


And excuse me for fucking suggestion one of your fav threads be stickied…


Ooooo so touchy I couldn’t help my self, to drunk and it’s 3 pm


Come on kids, its Friday shaka


Don’t know why but Oz’s reaction amused me greatly.