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Skiers vs Snowboarders… Who get injured more??


This certainly doesn’t correlate amongst my friends!

Vetski/Copp3 - hahaha! Neither young nor inexperienced wink

But Blzz you fall right into the trap! Breaking your wrist as a young inexperienced female snowboarder!


Should also add Spaz and K2 to the “not fitting the mold” LOL


I’ve definitely seen more knee injuries in skiing and more shoulder/wrist injuries in snowboarding. Both are high impact sports with trauma focussed on different parts of the body. I’ve injured both my shoulders snowboarding but very happy my knees have been fine. Don’t talk to me about my groin haha.

rider26 - 14 May 2012 02:25 AM

Don’t talk to me about my groin.

Yeah, he saves those conversations for total strangers on public transport and crowded elevators.


Odd. I would have thought it would be skiers, as they have four body parts working separately whereas we only have 3. But at the same time, I see more injuries on snowboards in the learners areas for sure.
I usually do my wrists in every season, fractured my spine, destroyed my left knee, I’ve broken my collar bone and popped one of its joints in a separate accident… And despite skiing well above my ability and getting tangled up in crashes, I’ve never injured myself on Skis.


AH but i think it has to do with balance maybe.

Having nonindependent leg actions for an advance skier means you are less likely to fall (i think!) I rarely fall on my ski’s anymore (yeah yeah there is video evidence on here that proves otherwise!!) I stumble yeah but can usually stop myself from falling.

Beginner skiers catch edges a lot less than beginner snowboarders!


I have also had more damage/brusies from poles which snowboarders don’t have!

ozgirl - 14 May 2012 03:35 AM

AH but i think it has to do with balance maybe.

Having nonindependent leg actions for an advance skier means you are less likely to fall (i think!) I rarely fall on my ski’s anymore (yeah yeah there is video evidence on here that proves otherwise!!) I stumble yeah but can usually stop myself from falling.

Beginner skiers catch edges a lot less than beginner snowboarders!

Advanced riders don’t fall nearly as much on either skis or snowboards but when they do, it’s often way worse than beginners (cough K2 cough)

Beginners are likely to do your basic injuries (snowboarders - Hips / Wrists / Shoulders / Back etc) but people jumping off 30+ ft jumps are likely to hurt themselves way more when they make mistakes.

ozgirl - 14 May 2012 03:36 AM

I have also had more damage/brusies from poles which snowboarders don’t have!

Snowboarders also suffer damage from ski poles - to their top sheets, in lift lines.



personally my injury tally skiing is all ligaments (except PLC) in my left knee plus I ripped a tendon off. I’ve also clean separated my pubis and torn the ligaments and a tendon.

In 17 years of snowboarding I’ve done nothing. Not a sausage. I’ve jarred my wrist on an awkward landing of a drop in low vis conditions but it was fine by the end of the day.

I guess some thoughts on the issue. Skiing naturally exposes the knees to damaged as your feet are able to go in different directions. Snowboarding over the last couple of decades has increased in popularity so lots of beginners trying it. I feel there is a perception that people think its easier to learn and advance quickly on a snowboard, hence people might try terrain above their capability sooner on a board. Plus there is less effective edge on a board vs two skis so in icy conditions its easier for a board to lose its edge, especially if not experienced. There’s certainly a lot more to it than that but they are a few things I can think of.

Bottom line. Am I thinking about getting back on skis any time soon…Hells no! wink

chucky - 14 May 2012 03:16 AM
rider26 - 14 May 2012 02:25 AM

Don’t talk to me about my groin.

Yeah, he saves those conversations for total strangers on public transport and crowded elevators.

LOL hahaha!

Yup, my groin is no good either! It’s all that scootchin’! wink

Coop3 - 14 May 2012 05:04 AM

There’s certainly a lot more to it than that but they are a few things I can think of.

Hells yes to this! There is so many variables,

Ie ratio of skier/boarders that season/mountain

ratio of those that are classed as beginners. 

But I found it interesting enough that I put a call out to see what the stats are for Perisher grin

If I kept a tally of picks up this season what things should I think about?

ie i am pretty sure when they ask you ability it is the I, II, III, so i might track that M/F and ski/boarders

ozgirl - 14 May 2012 05:14 AM

If I kept a tally of picks up this season

Geez you must have been at the bar lots wink

Coop3 - 14 May 2012 05:25 AM
ozgirl - 14 May 2012 05:14 AM

If I kept a tally of picks up this season

Geez you must have been at the bar lots wink

Oh stop it! The amount of times I have come across as being the BW tart is too numerous to count!
