The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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This photo was taken a moment too early. Just after this I did a fully sick triple front flip while eating some toast. You should’ve seen it!
I’m pretty sure the next photo was:
Or that could have been me…
Now here are my favourite riding photos (same sequence). Marc took these a couple of weeks ago on an April powder day. Really stoked on the whole day and these photos just sum it up. These were taken near Bagel Bowl off Whistler Peak, Whistler Mountain.
Nice Shots!!!!!
Loving the second one
Very nice shot, Marc did good job!
This is a shot from me mid flight to the moon before I crashed down to flat in epic fasion at last years Shred. Think spaz took the shot
By k2_scs at 2012-04-26
wow lucky you were wearing a helmet and stuff otherwise you might have been knocked right out! oh wait..
This is a shot from me mid flight to the moon before I crashed down to flat in epic fasion at last years Shred. Think spaz took the shot
By k2_scs at 2012-04-26wow lucky you were wearing a helmet and stuff otherwise you might have been knocked right out! oh wait..
Just thought I would bump this thread….we are into a new season and we have some new members who are starting to post - show off your favourite shot of yourself! Go back and read the first post if you’re unsure of the kind of thing we’re after here!
Me from last week I’m pretty stoked for how much I’ve progressed with this being my 6th day of boarding
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yeah! Nice, sukah - doing very well for only 6 days!
cheers cords
nice sukah, and what an awesome looking day!
Nice one Sukah
This is the video from the GCB drop in 2009. Might give you an idea of snow quality Oz.