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Ideas for contests this winter season…?



JazzaW - 23 April 2012 11:47 AM

You could do a trick of the week/month for points too. Choose a trick simple or hard, people post vids and the person who pulls it off the best with best style etc. gets bonus points.

Also a wooden spoon version for the best stack would be good too!

+1 For this, pretty easy to run a comp like this online. The wooden spoon version would provide some quality entertainment!

Mizu Kuma - 23 April 2012 07:22 PM
CRACKERS - 23 April 2012 01:10 PM
ozgirl - 23 April 2012 12:55 PM

Haha! Love it!

What do I get if I beat them??

You get the chance to hang out with Snowboarders

Yeah, but how many points do we get for havin to put up with her?????

Whatever dude!

ozgirl - 23 April 2012 11:16 PM
Mizu Kuma - 23 April 2012 07:22 PM
CRACKERS - 23 April 2012 01:10 PM
ozgirl - 23 April 2012 12:55 PM

Haha! Love it!

What do I get if I beat them??

You get the chance to hang out with Snowboarders

Yeah, but how many points do we get for havin to put up with her?????

Whatever dude!


hook, line and sinker


no treasure hunt? that comp sounded sick. there were some good ideas in this thread!

CRACKERS - 27 June 2012 02:07 AM

no treasure hunt? that comp sounded sick. there were some good ideas in this thread!

It’s a wonder that ya haven’t suggested some sort of comp that involved moguls?????



What about a comp to bring out lurkers?? I know heaps of people who are snowboarders who have created profiles here and read the forums but never post!

Those who joined prior to the end of last season, they have to post in a thread to nominate themselves and they have to be under 10 posts.

At the end of the season we vote on who we think has made the best contribution?


this points system sounds wicked!!! only time will tell if it kicks off…..


Would love to have a points comp. Still think it would work if we can get a really good list going.

CRACKERS - 27 June 2012 02:07 AM

no treasure hunt? that comp sounded sick. there were some good ideas in this thread!

Still trying to get something sorted.

Whatever we decide, there will be at least one cool contest for members only.

rider26 - 21 April 2012 06:35 PM

We were also thinking about a treasure hunt idea of a different style. Kind of like an online / social media type treasure hunt where you have to do set tasks within a set amount of time to progress to the next challenge. Last standing members wins it all. Thoughts?

I suggested a similar comp q year or so back. Like a scavenger hunt type contest. I reckon that’s a great idea.

rider26 - 27 June 2012 05:11 AM
CRACKERS - 27 June 2012 02:07 AM

no treasure hunt? that comp sounded sick. there were some good ideas in this thread!

Still trying to get something sorted.

Whatever we decide, there will be at least one cool contest for members only.

no problemo…was just wondering if I’d get to see TJ make a fool of himself in a quest to be the winner wink

Mizu Kuma - 27 June 2012 02:21 AM
CRACKERS - 27 June 2012 02:07 AM

no treasure hunt? that comp sounded sick. there were some good ideas in this thread!

It’s a wonder that ya haven’t suggested some sort of comp that involved moguls?????

You v ME. mogul comp on boards riding switch. first to bottom becomes master of the universe. agreed?