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Busé Apparel Thread



I only just realized the name tag T’s are erasable (I was freaking out seeing some people were writing on them with texta)
spaz momo


Ahoy all, back again…...well i didnt really go anywhere, ive been here in my trentradpants guise the whole time BUT, with the snow season kicking off things in the buse camp have ramped up again. While im still working on the whole tall hoodie problem i had another idea brain storm.
A week or so ago there was talk about the 686 tool belt (one of which ive been sporting for many many years now) anyhow it re-hashed an old idea i had a few years back when i was a mad skater and was rocking the shoelace belt. I wanted to somehow combine the radness/heshness of a shoelace belt with the handyness of the tool belt, especially the bottle opener bit. After a quick shoelace and bottle opener/hand screw driver combo i came up with this

May i present you the buse toolace. You can now open your beers and tighten anything phillips headed (bindings is what im mainly thinking) all whilst looking like you dont care about your appearance and keeping your pants right wear they belong. Gone are the days of indecent exposure arrests whilst you tighten you bindings at the bottleshop.

HAHA, anyhow im not too serious about this, it was just an idea BUT after making this one up, its an idea that could actually be made really cheaply (sell for $(10-15) if i do decide to follow it through. Theres a little tweaking to do from this prototype. Im getting a couple of thinner openers to lessen the weight even more, not that anodised aluminium is heavy but any weight saving is good, plus the mounting and heat shrinking needs a bit of a neater application.

So what do you think Yay or Nay.


Haha I love it! I’ll buy a pair for sure


Oh that’s awesome, they would be sick on a hoodie as well, like the strings that tighten up the hood. wink


Thats what I was thinking. Though, one of those flinging around while you do a spin could be nasty in they eye LOL


im down for a few sets.

trentradpants - 19 June 2012 08:47 AM

May i present you the buse toolace.

So what do you think Yay or Nay.

Now this is AWESOME!


Ok I’m really REALLY slow on the uptake but some of those hoodies are wicked trent!! I’ll PM you soon to order shaka


Tip of the volcano? smile


hahahahah!! Awesome!


Reading that earlier I had no idea why tj posted that in this Thread.
blank stare

Now I get it. LOL



do want!


Ahoy chaps and chapettes

Thought id give you all a sneak peek at the 2013 line of busé tees. Im cutting back on all the “novelty” stuff this season (but if you want any of the old stuff you still can ask me and ill make it up) and heading down a colour based theme.

These are the tall tee options so far. They will be hand dyed by moi so no 2 will be the same. I am going to have the option to have the logos that glow in the dark and also a small coloured breast pocket.
Im also experiementing with dyes at the moment on non-white tees to see what works and doesnt. Once trents dye science class 101 is done ill have what options i think work available aswell

As for the tall hoods, they will follow in a similar theme with them being white or gray based with all the dye options aswell.
Hats are being finalised and the ‘toolace’ toolbelt is a few months away too.

Sooooo, what you think boardworlders?

The website is nearly done with a proper online shop but as always, if you want anything now, just hit me up

