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VANS shoes

Is it just me or year by year is vans bringing out longer lasting. better looking. more comfortable shoes than the last. They have the best shoes hands down. noquestions asked.

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Steeziest lookin shoes out, havent riden a pair but im getting some for christmas lol


whats the most durable vans shoe


Personally i think if you get geoff rowley’s pro model. You cant go wrong. They look good. They skate well. They last a fair amount of time even for the meanest shredders.


I dunno, personally I prefer Lakai.


My last pair of shoes were vans, they rocked! However, they didnt last me as long as the normally would. I then went and got myself come Lakai, now they are top quality ****! i put some glue on before i went skating with them, i havent noticed any wear AT ALL!. i just put some super glue on every once in a while and they stay good, at the expense of looking shabby. These are probably the best shoes ive ever used.


Can’t beat that waffle grip


yeh Vans have been making really good shoes recently. ive got a couple of pairs and i can wear them skating where they are comfortable and durable, then jsut change the outfit, keep the shoes on and go oujt to a party. perfect all-rounders


DC’s have seen me through some tough times… never had vans but always liked the look. Currently rocking the Chucks but I still got the DC’s for when I take the board for anything more then a gentle skate.


Fallen and Dekline are some companies that have generally served me well over the last few years.


I haven’t had a set of Vans in a while, but they look damn good and you know they’re not gonna fall apart when Geoff Rowley, John Cardiel and Dustin Dollin are repping them. I’ve got Lakai’s at the moment and they haven’t worn out yet from knee-sliding or skating street.


Just had a look at one of my sneaker freakers, has an awesome artical on the history of Vans & skating, got some awesome pics of old vans that have been thrashed + Vans are bringing out a new collection soon with some of the top skaters around. Can’t wait :D
Vans = The classic skating footware.


vans are probably my favourite sneakers. best looking and can always stand the thrashings smile


It has been a while since I’ve been way into skateboarding, but I’ve noticed that Airwalk just isnt the company it used to be, is it?
I used to swear on them, and insist they made the best shoe. but that was many years ago. Airwalk always had the coolest styles and they were very functional and appropriate for skateboarding.
I think most of the skate shoes these days dont look any like they used to.