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savings for canada

Depends on your resort and job.

My resort paid me full days for snow school and only charged me $125 a fortnight for rent. So I was partying every night and still basically balling in it. You won’t really find that deal anywhere else, but yeah, what kind of job are you expecting to be employed in? I think usually you’d be lucky to leave Canada with more than $1000cad after the season?

pazza - 19 June 2012 02:42 AM

Hey there,

For those living in canada already.. if you were to work for the snow season..what type of savings would you be making a week if you didnt party up too hard!?

I think everyone is different but I like to share my experiences just so people are aware.

I have done 2 season in the US and one summer in Canada.

I found Canada really expensive/cost of living and struggled to save. I had to come back and not stay for winter as I was unable to save for a return ticket home (i used my one that was valid for 12mths from when I went to the states for the season)

I did not travel and saw nothing of Canada as I was flat broke - and in Banff summer is supposed to be busier than winter so it wasn’t for lack of work.

Both times i live in the US I was able to save (but i bought no new gear) and travel for a bit, A month prior to moving across to Canada and the second time i moved to Europe and had enough to support myself for a month there (i had no savings when i left Australia and had to send money home to pay off my cc each month!). My flatmates were the opposite, saved nothing and didn’t travel after because they spent money on new boards and kit.


i have 4 mates who have lived in whistler and none saved anything.

You dont go there to save, you go there to have fun and new experiences.


Hell yes!

Its called a “working holiday” you work to stay longer not to save for the future!

Those that do are damn lucky!

I also saved shit all in London. Friends who had serious careers got serious dough. But pub or admin workers, man it was tough going !