The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
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Haha no worries Rick. Yeah please post one without the date, because your photo might be selected for Photo of the Week.
We only launched Boardworld at the end of June 2009, so we are definitely in the early growing stage. We have a lot more work to do but we are making really good progress. Thanks for checking us out and joining!
ok this is my 2 pictures, it took alot of effort but i had to crop out the date, if you think i am cheating i would have been in highschool in 2005 haha anyway
Title: Canmore Sunset
Taken: Canmore, AB, Canada
Date: 14th Dec 2009
Title: Dude Where’s My Car
Taken: Whistler, BC, Canada
Date: 28th Dec 2009
Hope you like
Nice shots… that snow looks so deep in the second photo. I have spent three seasons in Whistler, including last season which was one of the worst on record (not to mention the crazy avalanche conditions in the backcountry pretty much all season). Unfortunately I wasn’t there this season for the epic snowfall… it killed me watching the November snowfalls from my computer, but I’m stoked it was a good season for all my friends over there. Thanks for sharing Rick!
yer yer, this is my first season here in whistler and its been crazy good. Too bad i almost have no money lol but still living it up. um yer its kind of funny like 4 days ago i was sunbaking on my deck and now my deck is full of snow, like 35cm in the last 3 days its nuts
Title: New board turns great!
Location: Hakuba bc
Date: March 14, 2010
Title: Big Slash
Location: Hakuba bc
Date: March 14, 2010
Awesome photos Gamblor! Love the first shot…
Photos of the Week have been posted to the news feed. Well done to Enn Zed and Rick0889.
Gamblor, your photos are in the current round.
Title: Slasheroo
Date: March 14, 2010
Location: Hakuba bc, Japan
I’m back in the game!
Gap It!
Rider: Jason J
Canyons Resort, UT
March 17th, 2010
On the Wall
Rider: Tim B
Canyons Resort, UT
March 17th, 2010
Amazing first shot Lisa! Lighting, colours, timing… great job!
Thanks! It was good to get back and take some photos.
It was definitely a feature that didn’t require that much speed to clear the down flat part…as Jason found out!
Photos of the Week have been posted. Well done Gamblor and lisapisa. I loved your photos this week!
Hakuba BC shots are awesome. is that the nothface of happo?
Hakuba BC shots are awesome. is that the nothface of happo?
Title: Foggy pow slash
Location: Hakuba bc, Japan
Date: March 11, 2010
Title: “This is not the pow you’re looking for”
Date: March 28, 2010
Location: Hakuba bc, Japan