The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Virus on BW??? I doubt it!


pc losers


I will get the developers to look at this again. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Moving to Site Feedback and Questions.


Hey guys,

Just to give a bit of an update. What you’re seeing is harmless and caused by the banners up top. We are addressing this issue and it should be fixed when we upgrade to the new system. Sorry for the annoyance caused by this issue.

rider26 - 12 March 2012 01:13 AM

Hey guys,

Just to give a bit of an update. What you’re seeing is harmless and caused by you guys buying inferior products. We are addressing this issue and it should be fixed when we upgrade to the new system to ban PC users completely. Sorry for the annoyance to Mac users caused by this issue.

A bit harsh mate!!!!! True, but still a bit harsh!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 12 March 2012 02:36 AM
rider26 - 12 March 2012 01:13 AM

Hey guys,

Just to give a bit of an update. What you’re seeing is harmless and caused by you guys buying inferior products. We are addressing this issue and it should be fixed when we upgrade to the new system to ban PC users completely. Sorry for the annoyance to Mac users caused by this issue.

A bit harsh mate!!!!! True, but still a bit harsh!!!!!

So as long as we upgrade to an overpriced, less practical piece of equipment, we should be fine then?!

SamNZ - 12 March 2012 07:08 AM
Mizu Kuma - 12 March 2012 02:36 AM
rider26 - 12 March 2012 01:13 AM

Hey guys,

Just to give a bit of an update. What you’re seeing is harmless and caused by you guys buying inferior products. We are addressing this issue and it should be fixed when we upgrade to the new system to ban PC users completely. Sorry for the annoyance to Mac users caused by this issue.

A bit harsh mate!!!!! True, but still a bit harsh!!!!!

So as long as we upgrade to an overpriced, less practical piece of equipment, we should be fine then?!

There’s no need to get a VAIO!!!!!


haha, I was more thinking about those things everyone takes a bite out of and throws away, what are they called again? Apricots?


yeh something like that.

its weird, on my home pc and my laptop (both run Microsoft Security Essentials) nothing pops up, but on my work pc (also runs Microsoft Security Essentials) i get a warning everytime i go to a new page in BW


Yeah I only get it if I use Firefox, if I run Waterfox, which is essentially the same thing, I get no alerts.


I have just been given a new Ifark4S by work, I have had it for 3 days and it’s the single biggest piece of shit phone I’ve ever had period.  Battery life that last about as long as a teenage boy losing his virginity, streaming and accessing stuff off your computer is a massive pain in the ass and who the fark wants a farken Icloud?  Like the addition of the letter I makes it better.  I was going to shut up but now that I have one of these so called superior devices I can’t contain myself anymore.  Unless you go completely Apple everything, it SUCKS.


Feel free to send it this way! While I despise Mac’s I quite like the pods and phones!


Still getting heaps of warnings from AVAST av.

i think I’ll just uninstall….


You can set Avast to ignore warnings from this site

open avast > real time shields > Script Shield > Expert Settings > Exclusions


EDIT: Okay flag that, it worked for a few hours but now I’m getting the warnings again.