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Yes, I’m Going to Be A Dad!!


Yeah congrats caboose! Awesome news!! shaka


Well done and congrats!
Got a name?


He doesn’t know the sex yet. How could he have a name.

Might I suggest Perisher?


Congrats dude!!!


Congrats Caboose!!! that’s bloody awesome news. but what you mea its going to ruin your season??? you should bring him/her along - got to start them off young so that he/she doesnt spend all the time infront of the TV when gets older.


Congrats and good luck mate!


congrats mate
a dragon child no less!


thanks guys for the congrats

i wanna drag the little one to the snow missus won’t let me :(

Dragon Dad too, Dragon child!!


Congratulations, Caboose.  In about 13 years from now, you will no longer be the best snowboarder in the family wink

spaz - 15 February 2012 06:56 AM

He doesn’t know the sex yet. How could he have a name.

Might I suggest Perisher?

Hasn’t stopped my missus, she’s already got the girl’s name picked - and she’s not even pregnant yet teacherboy

A boy’s name is taking longer to find because i keep coming up with ‘moronic’ (but awesome and manly) suggestions and it puts her off.  Seriously, what’s wrong with Dagger or Welshy?  Hanzo?  She just doesn’t get the dream…


That’s amazing news, Cabby. Really stoked for you! Congratulations to you and the family.

Snow seasons come and go but this kid is going to give you joy for the rest of your life. Great times! grin




Hi Cabby, a hearty congratulations to you. Don’t worry about the little one cramping your snow season cos you’ll have lots of nappy changing, laps of the house at 3:00 am baby rocking and milk vomit to keep you busy. Seriously though the little ankle-biters are heaps of fun and when you get them on the snow it’s awesome. All the best mate to you and your partner.



Aww Cabs,

Totally awesome news. Pass on the congrats to Mrs Cabs smile

It won’t ruin your season. There is so many things to show them, Wrap him up and get him a season pass every year and watch him grow.

Then you can watch as ski patrol pick them up…....... (proudly) For going to fast or (scarily) as they get put in the bucket.. O yes been there many times…...

You’ll have so many adventures.. Its blooming annoying when they hit 4 and they ski/board better than you, but still they learn to show you around the mountains and take you on runs you couldn’t imagine doing on your own. (i.e Jump City when you’ve only been skiing for a day). Half pipe at 5 and Moguls comps at 6…...

and if its not skiing activities, there is soo many things to show them..  I’m sure you don’t need to be told….

                              Its an amazing life, to have little monsters or princesses.


Haha Vetski

He may even be converted to skiing like some people i know!!